Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hello, class.
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My name is Adrian Lopez, and I will be going
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over unmanned air system sensors.
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A few type of censures involved the infrared camera.
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The electro optical in light are, which is short for
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light and radar.
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The gyroscope in barometer.
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The infrared sensor gets its visual imaging based off of
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the heat that emits from out objects.
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The heat coming off of a object can differ, though,
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because, say, after a rainstorm, stuff tends to cool down
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and whenever it when it cools down, this could make
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it much harder to be able to see what infrared
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sensor camera.
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This allows the life you to see what's wrong.
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A good example of this is the racing drums.
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Most competitors have their drones fitting, fitted with a camera
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that feeds a live feed Visual to the head said
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they were while racing with the life camera.
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This allows you to be able to see what your
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germs sees to avoid obstacles and to get a good
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picture of what is around electro optical.
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This type of sensor used is both thermal and night
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vision. Like the infrared, it uses thermal technology to be
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able to see the heat coming off of an object
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to get a visual, but it also has night vision,
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and it achieves its night vision.
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By taking a lowly area and adjusting the picture to
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wear the user, we'll see it much more lit up,
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clear, envision and visual.
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This allows it to be used past daylight hours.
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The thermal can be used during the day, time to
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be able to see everything.
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Oh, a thermal imagery, and the night vision allows it
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to the user to be able to use it past
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typical times the light ever since here or like and
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radar. This sensor uses radiation division allies, and it does
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this by using the same concept of a submarine.
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It sends a signal from the sensor that goes to
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the surface to read irradiation and bounce back, and it
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uses this system to be able to see how far
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the object is, what the object looks like based off
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the time it takes from it.
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They get sent the signal, get from the sensor to
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the ground and back, and it takes this time and
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adjust it and does the math of it to see
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the distance and what it looks like and you have
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your gyroscope in your barometer, your gyroscope is a system
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that is on the drone, which allows send signals to
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the controller to show to be able to keep a
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level flight of the room.
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And if it turns any, which way are they left
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right. It sends a signal to the controller to let
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them know so they can adjust and get back on
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the straight and level flight.
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The barometer uses a system inside of the drone to
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be able to tell based off the pressure of what
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the drone is feeling the altitude and these to work
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in comparison to keep the dragoon at a level flight
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the correct altitude to avoid objects so that you can
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use your sensors to get a visual.
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This is my references pages of the information I used
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to fill out this Prezi.
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Thank you for your time and have a good day