Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hi guys, today we're gonna do a pokey bowl, it's
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one of our families staple for lunch or dinner.
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We we particularly love it.
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You get a whole variety of nutritious ingredients and it's
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delicious. But before we begin in making the pokey bowl,
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I'm going to have a little conversation about types of
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rice. So the basis of most pokey balls is rice.
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Now you can have white rice or brown rice when
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I get mine, but there are so many different types
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of rice and each of them have a different function
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in cookery, but they also have a different nutrition.
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So that when we talk about something like bez Motti
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rice, now basmati rice is a fragrant rice, it is
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a long grain rice so that when we cook it
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it is quite separate, it separates and you get separate
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grains. But it is also a low gi rice.
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So you get sustained energy over a long period of
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time. So it's really, really good, but it does have
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a fairly distinctive flavor.
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So if you're doing a cuisine that is not indian,
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you might find it doesn't quite have the flavor that
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you would want in a rice.
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So if you want to have a rice which tastes
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like say jasmine rice but doesn't have the high G.
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I. Or fast turning into sugar and energy rice of
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a jasmine.
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Then they've got something called Gongora.
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Now john Gara is a um uh created rice by
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I think it had a CSR oh involvement in it.
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But it is a low gi rice so it is
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white, it tastes like jasmine.
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It sort of clumps and forms and it it has
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a texture of jasmine rice but you get a more
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sustained energy out of it.
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So you're not going to be hungry at the end
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of the meal.
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So it will keep you for longer.
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This is my preferred rice but can't always get it.
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If you're talking thai cuisine or chinese cuisine, then we
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typically use jasmine rice if you're doing an italian cuisine
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and you want something which is really absorb into flavor.
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Or if it's like a a spanish rice for like
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a p area, then you can use arborio rice, very
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absorbent. You need a lot of liquid when you cook
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with this both of these high gi so they quickly
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turn to energy.
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Yeah. Now I also have gifts rice because I love
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sticky rice, sticky rice is one of my absolute favorite.
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So you get what is called a gelatinous uh uh
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glutinous glutinous rice which which absorbs and becomes a lot
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of liquid and becomes quite quite putting like.
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So for your sticky rice puddings or even if you
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like a sticky rice with pork, a sweet pork, this
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is your rice.
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So they're your rice is No one.
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I'm going to talk about the ingredients that go into
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a perky bowl so I'm about to handle food.
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So what is the first thing that I should do?
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That's right, wash my hands.
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So once again, make sure that you have hot water,
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wet your hands at your hand, washing liquid and make
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sure you give every digit a really good rub with
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that soapy water and then rinse off all that soap
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in Covid era.
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We do a lot of hand washing a lot of
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sanitization. So make sure you get that chemical off your
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hands as best you can to protect your skin.
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Then drive hands.
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Now when making it a perky bowl there are a
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number of components.
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The first component is the base.
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So choose the base.
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Mhm. Of your poky bowl.
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We should be a rice.
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Make you see, I've just cooked that.
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So let's come off the heat and we have in
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this case this is doing Gara.
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So although it's a white rice, it is a high
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low G rice, so it will keep me feeling full
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for longer and so that is forms a base other
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base. You could use just plain jasmine rice, plain white
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rice if you have something left over from the night
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before, just headed up a little bit in the microwave
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or brown rice and then what you add to it.
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Or you can combine it with is cabbage.
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So this finally sliced cabbage, you could also use purple
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or you could use a combination so high in fiber
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and it's part of the same type of vegetables, garlic
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and onion.
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So it's really good if you help you prevent colds
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and and chest infections and a lot of fiber, a
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lot of water.
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So good for your other functions in your body as
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well. So I'm going to add about a cup into
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my pocketbook and that's really part of the base as
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well. So if you don't want to have the rice,
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you can just have a complete base of cabbage or
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mix it up with some letters if you like.
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Yeah, Now we're going to look at the type of
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protein that we're going to have.
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Protein is good for strong muscles.
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It's a part of growth and repair.
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So every, every day we lose cells from our skin
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cells from the inside of our body.
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We also lose that as well.
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So we need to have a fair amount of protein
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in our diet.
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So every meal should have protein about the size of
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your hand.
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Now that can come from a vegetarian, non vegetarian or
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meat sauce.
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So the types of protein that you could have, could
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be chicken, you could have um if you have some
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left over meat from the dinner the night before, but
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typically pokey balls have um like seafood or chicken or
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maybe pork as well.
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So you could have tofu marinate the tofu, cook it
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up in your fry pan, delicious.
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That's typically what we'll have in the evening.
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Or you can have chickpeas, so I just drain them
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and add them.
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They're good straight out of the tin, high in protein.
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I love seafood, so I would have, when I purchase
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it, I will have raw salmon or sashimi, but in
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this case I'm going to use smoked salmon.
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So that's the first thing protein.
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What protein are you going to add to your poky
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bolt? I'm adding smoked salmon.
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Then we're going to look at the food's the vegetables
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that you add to your dish.
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The vegetables should be a combination of different colors because
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every color has a different nutrient in there.
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And also you want to look at different textures, so
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different colors, different textures in every plate, there should be
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a rainbow.
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So what are my vegetables?
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You could use an avocado.
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I'm planning to have avocado of lunch, so I'm going
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to avoid my avocado.
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We have carrot, we have a reddish, we have red
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onion, also known as spanish onion.
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Mhm Yeah, we have cucumber and then we have adam
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and it didn't NAMI beans which are shelled soybeans, these
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are some of my favorite.
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So I'm not even bothered to to let them defrost
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because the heat from the rice will will defrost them
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for me.
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Now it's a good idea to make the asian show
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the asian shops supermarket.
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Your friend we're making pokey balls because that's where you
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get seaweed salad and you get a whole lot of
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mommy beans shelled, you can get them without the shell
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and they make great snacks.
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But if you're going to add them to the poke
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bowl, then buy them in this form.
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Mm Which brings me to my final vegetable, which is
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my, my seaweed salad.
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Okay, so I'm going to arrange them in my plate
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so that it looks pretty.
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So I don't have a lot of color here.
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So over here I'm going to add my carrot.
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So we get some contrast in texture contrast in color.
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Mm I love the color of the spanish onion, lovely
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purple. The gorgeous greens.
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And my other mommy Yeah.
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Fantastic color from my seafood salad.
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My seaweed salad.
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Beautiful. It's one of my favorite things ever.
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So I'm going to heat that in my capsicum and
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then my radish.
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Yeah, once you've got to that point, start to think
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about the sharp the contrast in flavor.
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So I want to have something which is nice and
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sharp in flavor.
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So I'm going to add some ginger.
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Okay, so this is pickled ginger, so it's got a
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fair amount of sugar in it.
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But you only need a little bit to add a
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sharp element of flavor to your dish.
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Yeah, if you want, why don't you try adding a
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few flakes of chile?
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Yeah. Then we have our flavor.
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So this is where you dress it, add a little
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bit of Kewpie dressing.
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There are different varieties and varieties of this.
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Our favorite in the family is roasted sesame.
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Now I'm not gonna add too much, just a little
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bit too much and you've got too much oil, too
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much sugar in your dish so just enough to help
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combine the ingredients.
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Okay. And then finally you want crunch, you want something
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to make this dish pop on your taste buds.
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And so I love.
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Mhm. The deep fried shallots.
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Now be careful with shallots that like this because they're
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deep fried.
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That means there is a fair amount of fat that
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goes in them.
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But as part of a nutritious meal, that's okay.
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Yeah. Mhm.
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Yeah. Okay.
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Yeah. Yeah.
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Thank you.
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And so they there you have it a perky bowl,
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contrasting flavors, contrasting colors full of complex carbohydrates, fair amount
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of protein.
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Keep your sustained energy release for the whole day.
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Very satisfying.
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Its attack imas.