Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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are the biggest challenges off virtual trainer is facing.
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The current well pandemic has impacted most industries, pushing everyone
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towards digital transformation while increasing the demand for connectivity.
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The learning opportunities have come as a response to the
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people. Pressing needs to stay relevant, to understand their industry
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trends and, above all, to learn new skills and the
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depth of the virtual working environment.
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Hi, my name is Sonya, and I'm a senior, says
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Enablement Specialist Historical, a founding member off Oracle Well being
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Affinity Group and occasionally a volunteer project Lee.
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They're focused on education and creativity.
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Since March 2020 Oracle moved completely to the virtual environment.
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In this short video, we recognize the solution toe four
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significant challenges virtually structure may face when delivering their trainings.
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If you consider the timeline of their occurrence, let's take
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a look at challenge number one learner attendance.
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The participants are later they don't show up.
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The solution is to communicate with your participants before the
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delivery date sent reminders one day in advance one hour
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and even 15 minutes in advance with the meeting room.
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Link and the training agenda also add a few things
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about what they should expect what materials you'll use and
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what they need to read.
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No preparing advance if you are a trainer in a
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large organization, a good way to reduce no shows is
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to involve managers.
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Ask them to introduce the topic and explain the participants
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their game or give participants homework that will be reviewed
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by their managers.
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Challenge Number Toe.
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One of the challenges that you could solve directly is
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having technical issues related toe, Internet connectivity, audio or difficulties.
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Multi tasking.
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You forgot to record the session to read periodically.
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The questions in chat as you, of course, are focused
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on talking to your audience.
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The best solution is to get a co host on
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Assistant the producer or call them what you'd like, But
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you will need someone toe help you take your training
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from good to great This person.
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This person should handle technology issues.
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If, for example, your Internet connectivity drops unexpected, your house
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is on fire or your kids have an existential problem.
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Your co host can keep the show on.
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Be your voice until you can reconnect.
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You can even teach them a trick or two live
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specific instruction for activities that they can do while you
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are out.
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Other functions would be to record the sessions to address
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the questions on chat toe administer Paul's a notation quizzes
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play the videos.
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Challenge number three, The learner Discomfort.
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The participants get anxious before the beginning for various reasons.
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Fear off, not knowing what to expect, how to use
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the tools or off not knowing to answer certain questions.
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And the solution is to prepare the participants by recommending
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pretty quiz it reading materials by providing a pre class
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suggestions or instructions about how they should attend.
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Find a quiet place, high speed Internet If you want
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them to open their camera, perhaps you could teach them
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how to use a virtual background, showing them how to
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use the virtual tours for participation at the beginning of
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the session, such as annotation and raising hands.
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Before you start, you can open your camera and tell
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them that you are going to be late a couple
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of minutes until everyone is gathered or simply show a
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slide with the training title, your name and the starting
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moment. Begin your session with sharing the training road and
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what they should be able to do once they get
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to the end Challenge Number four learner engagement.
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The participants get distracted easily.
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That they should spend for trainings is estimated to be
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in between 6 to 18 minutes, depending on the topic
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the audience, the trainer skills and the delivery method.
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It is difficult to identify the right formula.
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The best way to identify those moments in your training
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is by rehearsing with live listener and ask them for
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feedback and, of course, record for self evaluation.
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For example, if you're showing them how to use a
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tool, you cannot stop in the middle of the demonstration.
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But you can pause and ask them if they can
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follow you.
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And if they have questions to break the written, you
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can ask an open questions related to the presented content.
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Play a short, maximum two minute video.
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Use annotation, lunch, appall, play a game, use a quiz
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and definitely use the breaking rooms.
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Asked them toe working groups toe upto four participants for
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toe up to five minutes, and when they get back
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to the main room, ask them how it went, what
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they learned and what they discussed.
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Remember, interactions are vital for learning learner engagement and information
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retention. Here are the key takeaways communicating Advance.
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Get the managers involved and this is applicable only to
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large organization trainings.
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Get a co host, prepare the attendees and explore the
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right timing for your presentation to take the brakes with
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interactive activities to keep the learner engaged.
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Now, thank you for staying with me until the end.
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If you enjoyed this video, please, like share and connect
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with me on linked in, Let's learn from each other
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and make the world a better place.