Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hi I'm agent tang
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From class 6.1 and today I will be presenting
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my number one passion trunks and ocean pollution.
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This presentation was written by Leighton Tang.
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The topic I will discuss is all about sharks and the ocean pollution.
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Before we get into it. What are sharks?
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Sharks skin is non way thick,
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dull gray in color
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and roughened by tooth like scales, a muscular and even raised tail,
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pointed fins and a shark and appointed is now extending forward and over a percent
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shaped mouth equipped with sharp
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triangular teeth.
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Lines of inquiry.
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Lines of inquiry to
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my line of
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inquiry is about an inquiry into how ocean pollution impacts shins.
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My supporting questions were, How does
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evolution impact shops?
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What is the worst kind of pollution for sharks?
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What is the main cause of pollution in the ocean?
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What is the purpose of ocean pollution
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one through what they eat slash consume.
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Such as a small
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shrimp or crab, which may contain some plastic or pollution in their body.
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Once they are eating, the plastic lies in the shark
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release systems.
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The second ways to go through the sediments,
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they will often suck up these materials into their mouths and some sharks with role
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or maybe some may even spit them out.
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Most of the time sharks eats most homes
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and microplastics which often stay in their body.
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These are hard to digest for them.
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More than 70% of the whole earth is covered with water
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that can play an effective role in giving us survive?
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Ocean pollution is caused by a number of
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different things such as toxic materials and harmful pollutants
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such as factory oil chemicals spills as well as a as plastic letter into the ocean.
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My line of inquiry # three is about an
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inquiry into last sharks are becoming in danger.
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My supporting questions was
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what charts on the endanger? How can we help? How can we take action?
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Why are Shawn's becoming dangerous?
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Church starts in danger
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real sharp
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in danger.
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Great hammerhead and danger. Great white shark
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ball, lunar revel.
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Overfishing is the greatest threat to sharks,
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and rapes,
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sharpens are in high demand for traditional chinese
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medicine as well as shark fin soup,
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which is considered a rich dish in asia with
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commercial fishing also playing a big impact as well.
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Sometimes when fishing sailors catch more than they want
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trunks even often
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come as a bycatch.
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This means that they were specifically targeted and because of
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this important food or small sharks may be caught and killed
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as well as this stingrays and skates when fishing are also bad
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as they belong in the bottom of dark part of the ocean.
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So sharks in the bottom,
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we'll have less food.
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What action I did in year six was participation because we
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were engaging throughout our learning to actions that people should take,
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avoid sharp into other sharks and rays products and be aware of the shark's
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meat that is so under other names like rock salmon from the United Kingdom.
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Athletics from Australia
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to so if a shark is removed, there will be a result of too many fish
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for the ocean with limited predators,
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their population people so perfectly that they will
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consume their victims to extinction as a result.
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And with no food, love to eat
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an unintended starvation occurs.
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Fun fact.
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A fact about sharks also, of course, dating back four million years ago,
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sharks have lied longer than dinosaurs, like many other forms of life. Currently
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There are more than 1200 species of sharks.
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Slattery's with new discoveries every year over one third of the
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whole earth is now threatened to be in the extinction.
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Thank you.
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I hope you learned something new and try to learn more about sharks.
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Thank you. Bye.