Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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today, I want to talk about who influences your shopping
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decisions. You might be surprised to know that your friends,
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your relatives and so on people who are close to
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you, your tribe, so to speak, influence your shopping decisions
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much more than you think.
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And there's extensive research on this topic.
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So, for example, let's talk about smoking.
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If your friends stop smoking, good friends stop smoking.
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You're 37% more likely to stop smoking because they influence
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you with their behavior with.
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They're talking about it and so on.
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If your spouse stop smoking, that's even better.
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Then you're 63% more likely to stop smoking.
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Wow, two thirds.
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So one third and then two thirds, essentially, unfortunately, goes
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the other way as well, with bad habits, problematic habits.
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If your friend good friend becomes obese, then you're 57%
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more likely to become a beefs.
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And if your sibling brother sister becomes obvious, you're 40%
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more likely to become a piece.
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Not great news, but we can use that news to
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our advantage.
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We can understand how we make our shopping choices and
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make wiser shopping choices because we know how our brain
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works and how it cause us to make both poor
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decisions and good decisions.
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The first thing to understand about shopping, how others influence
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our decisions in shopping.
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Another areas, of course.
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But we're gonna focus on shopping today.
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Just keep in mind of lies to other areas as
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well is that we think of ourselves as rational beings.
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Now, if we're purely rational, we want the influence of
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all by what are close friends do or what our
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spouse does.
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Or what are sibling does regarding smoking regarding they're getting
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a beast or any other decisions that have to do
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with their behavior with their shopping choices with anything else.
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Now somebody else got a nice new car.
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We wouldn't be trying to compete with the Joneses, right?
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That's a very famous phrase, competing with the Joneses, keeping
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up with the Joneses.
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We wouldn't be trying to keep up with the Joneses,
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but we do because we're not rational, were very far
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from rational.
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In fact, our intuitions, our emotions, our gut reactions actually
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shape determined about 18 90% off what we do.
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Our decision making processes 18 90%.
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Can you imagine that that all comes from our gut
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that comes from our intuitions.
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That comes from how we feel rather than how we
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think. And that creates a lot of problems, of course,
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for good decision making, because what happens is called something
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called post factum rationalization.
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So after the fact rationalization, where we create reasons in
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our minds supposedly rational reasons to justify our choices, so
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create those reasons.
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And we feel like we made rational decision when we
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actually made a decision that was very much emotional and
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very much influenced, surprisingly so by other people around us.
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People who were close to that comes from how our
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brains are wired.
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Our brains are wired, not for the modern world.
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Are good reactions or emotions or intuitions are actually evolved
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with Savannah environment, the ancestral savannah environment.
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When we lived in small tribes of 15 people, 150
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people and we were hunters, fortunes and gatherers, that's what
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we're about.
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That's what we evolved for.
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So we have very strong tribal instincts.
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I mean, if we didn't, we are.
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We're the descendants of those who have very strong tribal
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instincts. If we our ancestors didn't have strong tribal instincts,
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if they didn't conform to the tribe.
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Then they get kicked out of the tribe and they
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die. And if they didn't have strong tribal instincts in
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the sense of trying to climb up the tribal hierarchy,
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the social status hierarchy, then they would not get the
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bust. Resource is, and they wouldn't get to reproduce.
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So, you know, maybe they survived, but they wouldn't have
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many descendants.
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So we are the descendants of those who have very
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strong tribal instincts in terms of conforming to the tribe
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and what very strong tribal instincts in the sense of
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going up the tribal hierarchy.
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So that's something we have to understand about us.
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That's how our mind works because, well, relied on those
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tribes for survival.
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And we still carry those instincts impulses within us.
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And that results in a number of dangerous judgment errors.
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Thes two types of tribalism, two aspects of tribalism called
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cognitive biases.
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Cognitive biases are the specific, dangerous judgment errors we make
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because of how our brains are wired.
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Then that's what cognitive neuroscientist and behavioral economists like me
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study and we look a TTE.
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What are the errors we make?
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More importantly, for me, at least, how could we address
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these errors to make better decisions.
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One of the very important errors that we make in
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regards to our tribal impulse to conform is called the
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halo effect.
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It's like wearing a little halo.
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So the halo effect it's where if somebody you like
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somebody you perceive to be part of your tribe, if
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they have a certain characteristic, then you will tend to
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like all of their other characteristics.
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So if they have a characteristic that makes them feel
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like part of your tribe, then you will judge them
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in a more positive manner.
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Then they deserve to be judged by somebody who's a
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rational human being, right, purely rational, and I fall for
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this as well, and it's very easy to fall for
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this. But you got to know that in shopping and
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smoking and obesity and a lot of these things, you
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don't want to be doing that.
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You don't want to be making the bad decisions that
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sometimes your friends and even loved ones of like spouses
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and submit sisters brothers make.
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So you want to be careful about this halo effect,
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where you will tend to have to positive a view
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off the shopping decisions that those close to you make
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and other decisions as well.
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Now the other thing that you want to watch out
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for is called the social comparison bias.
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That's another cognitive bias, where we tend to be competitive
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with others who we see us part of our tribe.
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We tend to want to climb the social ladder.
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That's kind of about social status.
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So we're comparing ourselves to them constantly without realizing it.
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That's how our brain works.
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That's why keeping up with the Joneses is a very
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powerful thing.
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Our neighbors, of course.
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Jones's Who.
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That's what it's referring to.
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So looking at them and seeing what they're doing and
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our peers of various sorts of the workplace.
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And most importantly, our friends are close friends are spouse,
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our brothers, sisters, siblings.
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They very much influences so constantly comparing ourselves with them
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and unconsciously, emotionally, intuitively, sometimes consciously, we are competing with
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them. We're in competition with them so they don't want
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to let that topping somebody else by buying a nicer
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car, buying nicer clothing by a nicer house, let you
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make bad decisions with your money for your shopping choices.
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So that's something to keep in mind the social comparison
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bias. Now, Fortunately, you can use recent techniques that were
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discovered about how to undress cognitive biases to actually make
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better shopping decisions.
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One is to choose your friends wisely.
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Sometimes you'll have an old friend left over from high
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school who's kind of, ah, not the best person for
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to have in your life.
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But they've been around for a long time, and you
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feel a strong sense of connection to them.
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But perhaps they're kind of life is going in a
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bad direction, and perhaps you're noticing that they're influencing you
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in some bad ways.
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You're picking up some negative habits or you're still sharing
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those habits.
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Perhaps you wouldn't want to share that.
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You would not want that person in your life if
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you just let them right now, consider making friends whose
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qualities you actually admire, including their shopping decisions and all
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sorts of other decisions, so that you are influenced in
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a positive way without realizing it, because you can't always
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be thinking about how is that person influencing me my
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suffering from the halo effect on my suffering from the
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social comparison effect, it would be spending all your time
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just thinking about these things.
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It's much better to make a specific decision to make
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friends whose qualities you admire and then choose those friends
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and then let them influence you because they'll be most
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likely influencing you positively and again, spending less time with
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the wrong crowd.
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Both of those things are really important.
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So not simply choosing good friends whose qualities you admire
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but not spending time with people spending less and less
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time. Let's say that way with people who are not
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good for you who are bad influences, then one of
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the things that you want to be careful about this
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release, especially to the social comparison bias is fads.
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People get into fads all the time.
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They fashion is made up of fads, right?
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Or there's this cool new car, cool new computer, whatever
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it is that people make get into fads all the
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time, and due to the social comparison bias, they tried
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to eventually top each other.
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So you're looking to compete with somebody else, so you
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want toe.
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Be aware of fats and beware off fats.
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So be aware now what's what they are, what's going
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on and be wary of um, be careful about them.
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Don't fall for Fats because you're just falling for that
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intuitive social comparison bias that we all tend to fall
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for. It's too easy to do that.
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So that's what I want to share with you about.
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That's how your friends, your loved ones, influence you in
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a much broader way than you might think is happening.
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And the here, the steps that you could take toe
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address this influence.