Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hi little company Hospice Loren Bouchard here to
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talk to you about your March scores.
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Let's look at this.
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So it looks like 100% you had three surveys return for
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the month of March and I mean just across the board,
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100% you guys have been just rocking it awesome.
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So here's your year to date. So since october um you have just hit the mark perfectly.
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Uh you can see your targets 90.39 who needs a
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target right when you are hitting a perfect scores.
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So 100% across the board since october wow, amazing.
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So you're really helping hospice as well across the ministry because they are
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hitting target two months in a row now um in the green.
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So congratulations to osf, Hospice. Congratulations to you guys.
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So congratulations. Really beautiful work.
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Three priority index things to continue to focus on, keep informed about arrival.
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Really cared about your patient and then treat patients with dignity and respect.
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And so this month we're gonna talk about keeping informed about arrival.
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And so with that we just want to make sure you know,
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we're always going to apologize for any delays or schedule adjustments.
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Um You know,
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sometimes things come up right and we have to go and we
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can't always go to the maybe a previous patient or things.
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So we just want to make sure we are communicating well and that we apologize.
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Always take your patients,
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families and patients preferences into account as
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much as possible when we're scheduling.
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You know if Tuesday's a bad day or something isn't going to work.
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you know when we can work around that.
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Um they really appreciate that and so um that's important
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contact them prior to the visit.
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So we've done some studying on things and the night before is preferable.
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So and if you want to do bold both, if they're okay with that, you know,
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calling that before and calling the morning of just to confirm
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that's okay just making sure you do the night before.
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Um and that seems to be the preference overestimate
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how long it's gonna take you to arrive,
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especially on those new arrivals, those um started cares and things like that.
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Um make sure, you know, so you're not
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running late or too late for the call
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um call your patient before you know you're heading there
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from your previous home just to give a heads up.
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You know, just or text, it shows that 80% of
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and families
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uh aren't against texting.
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So you know when you first get to know a family,
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it's good to follow up with them and see is it okay if I text,
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you know um would that be a preferable way to communicate with you
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um and check in with them because that might be the best way.
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Excuse me, I'm a little frog in my throat
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you know I just have on this our goal is just to be good
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communicators and I know you guys do such a great job with this anyway.
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Um you know,
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just continue to use the communication tactics that I share
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with you and you'll continue to have great success.
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I know because I think you guys are hitting it out of the park anyway,
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so you're clearly really good communicators, last but not least family comments.
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I'll let you pause your screen so you can take a look at these
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some lovely comments for this team,
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but that is it for me today. 100%. You guys are unbelievable.
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You know, you may not always have 100%.
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So if you ever changes, I don't want you guys to feel down.
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Um that's a that's a pretty amazing feat that you've created for yourself.
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So, you know,
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if you ever don't have 100% I don't want you
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to feel really let down by that because it's,
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you know, it's miraculous to get 100% so much, but um you're doing really great.
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thank you for all the work you do with your patients and families.
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Have a happy easter and we'll definitely talk next month,
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take care of yourselves and enjoy the sunshine.
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Hopefully you're getting some sunshine up there in Chicagoland.
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Alright, take care, bye bye.