Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hey guys, this is my um week for discussion board
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for um response to the instructional video that we watched
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titled instructional strategies for inclusive practices.
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So I noticed a lot of like um a couple
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of different strategies that were discussed and a lot of
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different practices that were definitely um shown that I was
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able to observe through that Youtube video.
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Um First, the main thing that we were learning or
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that I got from the video was differentiated instruction and
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what that is in plain and simple, like short definition
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of it is doing whatever it takes for each of
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your students to learn, um to differentiate and know that
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just because your school bought illustrative math, but maybe that
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math doesn't work for all of the Children in your
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classroom and being aware of that and not only aware
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of it about changing that.
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What can you do?
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Maybe a little bit more of a hands on technique.
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I know that I added tape measures when I taught
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volume and we measured different items in the classroom as
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well as like outside a couple of things that we
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could use.
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Not only did that help them with volume, but also
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help them with multiplying decimals and adding decimals and all
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of that good stuff.
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Um but knowing that not all of my kids are
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going to learn, our lights are on timers here at
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the school, um knowing that not all of the kids
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are going to learn in the same exact context or
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the same exact way.
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Um the next thing that I would like to talk
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about is the uh, individualizing instructions or having a project
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for a student and different um learning um, ways that
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other Children learn.
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Individualizing, like I had said like realizing that not all
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kids learn the way, but given that flat out option,
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when you're giving us something like um weekly, you may
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have like a language arts standards get through, well maybe
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to make sure that you know that the kids know
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it, you can't just give out a test because not
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every child test.
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Well, I know myself included, I am awful at test.
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I try to stay away from them, but then how
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do I know that they're comprehending?
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Will I give you give them an option?
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Um the teachers talked about a choice board or a
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task board for the Children with different learning styles on
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there, but each of the four learning styles or that
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are showcased on that choice board are all showcasing the
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standard that was taught and the comprehension that was taken
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in by the Children.
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And the next thing that I would like to point
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out is the teacher herself.
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Um The first year teacher Stephanie that they talked about
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about a minute into the video, um watching her teach,
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not only moving about the classroom, but the way that
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she explains things such as when she was explaining her
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classroom, I noticed from last week talking about assets based
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approach and gap intervention, she said that she came to
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the school and the teachers are like, wow, you have
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like the bad class, the bad kids, I hope you
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stick around and she turned around and she's saying, I
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have a humorous class just because they may have acted
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out with one person or maybe they act out even
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with her, but she's taking it as their humorous, but
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what do I do with their humor?
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Well, you have to showcase it.
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You have to individualize that plan for that child in
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a different way so that they are able to use
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that personality that they have.
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I'm watching her teaching strategies and her teaching techniques and
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the way that she spoke to the Children moved about.
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The classroom really took time into see if they're comprehending
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or if they're learning in their style technique.
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Um, it was just found it really awesome to watch
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her teach and that is all.
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Thank you guys.