Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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greening everyone.
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My name is Isaac Bustamante's and then thank you for
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being here today, and this is my professional identity plate.
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I want to begin my thinking about one question.
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Who are you?
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And I think this question sends a lot of us
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into a panic because it's usually the first question that
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we get in an interview.
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And sometimes we don't know how to answer this question
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without reading off our resume.
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At least I know I'm guilty of doing that in
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my past, and it's usually what it was usually because
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it was the easiest thing to do, and it really
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doesn't require life.
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And see, I never really gave this question a lot
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of thought until I Am was had an interview for
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a friend shooting position in the district of that Currently
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work in the past, running off my resume seem to
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work fine.
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But I knew that in this particular interview it was
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just not going to cut it.
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So being 21 with the freshman to duty, awesome degree
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in French literature, I was extremely intimidating.
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One of my interviewers asked me who is Isaac?
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And, like always, I began to start with where I
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was from Houston, where I went to school, Ut Austin
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and where I worked at Chase Bank.
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Well, where I worked at the time, the basic answers
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that one gives from the resume.
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He then asked me again, Who is Isaac?
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And he really emphasized on the hoop.
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OK, and I froze because I really felt that I
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had answered.
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The question was such pride and honesty that I feel
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like I had been punched in the faiths.
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But whatever answer I gave convince him enough to take
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a chance on me its own.
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But I have come a long way since then, growing
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maturing, learning new skills or finding others letting others go.
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And this season, to my next question, what kind of
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professional identity do you want people to know you for?
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This question gives me a little bit of anxiety because
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I am human and I want everyone to say the
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best things about me.
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But as we all know, we aren't always gonna have
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number one fans, and I think all way that we
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can hope for is that people respect our professional identity
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and our professional actions.
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So I will begin by saying that when I started
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my professional career as a teacher, I didn't have the
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best leaderships, the leadership street leadership traits.
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But with any an experienced professional, you can refine them,
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learn them, or you can also draw inspiration from places
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you wouldn't expect.
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Uh, teaching is kind of like working in management, except
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that you're managing Children as opposed to managing adults.
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And as I reflect on my first day as a
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teacher, I will say it was probably the one of
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the very few times in my life that I felt
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very under prepared and even began to question what I
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had been doing or what I was doing.
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Or if I had made the right choice, I had
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all the ah, head sorry I had all the onset
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against me.
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The teacher quit mid year, the students had suffered months
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and all the routines were gone, and the students can
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smell summer coming because I had started in March and
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there was a week after spring break, so summer was
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in the air for them.
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The teacher I had replaced reach out to me and
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told me You better go in swinging because they these
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kids have no mercy and see.
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I took her feedback, and but I didn't let it
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dictate the way I was going to approach them.
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I decided to see for myself on the first day
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where she was talking about, and I learned very quickly
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where she was talking about.
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News is I let the first day of work defeated
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him, broken down, but I went home and I let
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the day's events see pollute.
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I began to reflect on my previous jobs, the jobs
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at the bank and at the restaurants that I worked
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that and try to identify what he was at my
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leaders and body that helped them lead a team effectively.
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I really is that the leaders that had the most
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success for the ones that had the bed, it had
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the better communications fields with their employees.
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So I decided to refine an approach that would work
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with my students.
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I realize that after an exchange of colorful words in
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the next day with my students, um, the overall consensus
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was that they wanted to have a teacher that would
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teach them member would make him feel valued that would
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make them feel that they were imported or that they
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had to say in the class, and some of them
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said no homework.
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But I wasn't budget on that.
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I would be lying if I said everything was perfect
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after it was.
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But I now had a way in to change the
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classroom culture.
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I thought to other, more seasoned teachers, as we call
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them, and new teachers in order to find a teaching
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so that would work for me and my personality type.
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I will say in the short time, with lot of
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trial and there I found the one.
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So I come back to that question again.
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What do I want to be known for my professional
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life. And as with any question, there are many answers.
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There's many answers, and here's my and I want to
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be known for being human because we all make mistakes.
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I want to be known for being empathetic because we
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all have situations that happened to us.
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I want to be known for being encouraging because sometimes
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we wake up with their weight on their shoulders, and
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I know sometimes that's really true for me.
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I want to be known for being transparent because it's
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better to know where you stand then to live in
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fear of the unknown.
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I want to be known for developing people because investing
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in people and in my case and my students can
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have the biggest returns.
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Lastly, I want to be known for being confident in
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leading my team to success because you have to be
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leaving your you have to believe in your leader before
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you can believe in yourself in order to develop a
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personal, professional identity.
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It's important to start with how you want, how you
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want to develop this.
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I did it and for me, after finishing my Glinda
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degree, I want to start at an organization, has a
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good work culture where I can enhance the skills that
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I have and learn new ones that will allow me
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to be the leader, that I want to become one
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of the 10 leadership conferences to learn from other successful
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leaders and learn strategies that I can take back to
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my organization.
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I want to find a mentor in the finance industry
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who has had success in leading in leading underperforming teams
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and lastly I want to reflect often on my past
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careers and rules and apply the strategies, their methods and
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I have helped me to embody the professional straight traits
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that I strike tohave your past experience have a large
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part, will have a large part in your present and
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in your future.
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And I'm lucky that many of the traits that I
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want to embody have begun to manifest themselves as I
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progress in my teaching career.
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Because of this, there are many things that I will
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carry on into my into my transition out of teaching.
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In my new role, I will always bring patients honesty
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and, more importantly, empathy.
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Which leads me to the end of my story this
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year. That first class of my teaching career the when
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issued have con answering you with are now seniors in
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the high school that I teach and I am because
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I have students and not employees.
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I will friend this last part of my answer, saying
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Teacher and so figure.
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I want him to say Mr Boost as love my
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students call me.
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I took the time to get to know us.
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He motivated us to become stronger friends, students exposing us
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to new ways to learn in like a new language
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into different cultures.
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He focused on the good things that we did and
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not the bad, for making us feel that we were
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important and most importantly, that he cared about us.
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And I hope that this becomes true not only with
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my students, but also with the team that I think
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in the future think.