Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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treatments for the Black Death.
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What was the Black Death?
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1346? The black death was known, But I only hit
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Europe in 1347.
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Black Death was a definitely disease has spread rapidly over
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North africa, europe asia in caucasus.
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It was also known as the bubonic plague symptoms of
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the Black Death were oils, swellings, dark patches and coughing
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up blood.
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But what were the treatments treatment robbing onions, chopped up
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snake. Cut up pigeon, robbing chicken heat treatments, drinking's into
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golf, bathing in urine, bleaches, trickle crushed emeralds, diets, witchcraft
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and Lansing.
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Yeah, robbing treatments.
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They would chop up some onions, chicken, snake and pigeon.
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Then they rub over the infected parts of the body
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in hopes that it would help the affected victim.
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Heat treatment.
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Heat treatment was a way to dry out the fever
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sitting close to a fire or see in a similar
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to drive or dry up.
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The fever vinegar vinegar was believed to kill any jumps.
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So they would drink, we're gonna go to treat the
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plague, bathing in your on bathing in urine was a
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treatment, believe it or not, your own has cleaning properties
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and you were sometimes drink urine to treat the plague
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leeches. They thought leeches were a good solution because the
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leeches would draw out the bad blood and leave the
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good blood trickle Trickle had to be at least 10
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years old.
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Before using on the patients of the black tips trickle,
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potentially had disease fighting molds to treat the infected areas
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crushed emerald christ animals was a way to treat the
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plague ways to consume the animals were the following eating
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or drinking only a small portion of crushed emeralds.
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People who could not afford the emeralds had to take
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arsenic or mercury, which would kill them faster than the
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plague itself.
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Witchcraft. Witchcraft was said to be a way to cure
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the Black death or the ways was to place a
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hand next to the swelling to drop part, part pestilence.
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Recovery was to drink two cups of your, your own
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a day.
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Diets you weren't supposed to eat food that expired easily
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or it's not bad such as meat, cheese and fish.
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Instead, you were set to eat fruit, vegetables and bread
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wanting swellings was set to be open to allow the
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disease to leave the body.
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A mixture of trey risen roots of lilies and dried
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human excellent should be applied to the swellings that will
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cut open Pinterest board for my Pinterest board.
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I tried to add some pins.
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I had some information about the doctors and some images
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of doctors, skeletons, etcetera.
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That is a right image in them.
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So if you're not a fan of rats, I wouldn't
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entirely recommend album cover, my album cover.
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Try to make it look old and more definitely keep
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your distance.
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Was implying to literally keep your distance because of the
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plate. I used to play doctors because they had an
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impact on the place and it felt right to have
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them on the cover.
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Hope you have learned more about the treatments for the
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black Diff and that you will pass on this information.
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Thank you for listening.