Audio Transcript Auto-generated
- 00:01 - 00:05
Hello, Class one. I hope you're all well. It's that time again.
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It's mass packed time now, just so you know,
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this is the last mass pack that you're going to get to.
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Sorry, Neely said. The wrong thing, then of 2021. So
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these will come home and then you'll get a new one after the Christmas holiday.
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So in the new year you'll get your next one, all right.
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But what would be really good is over the Christmas holidays.
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If you've played your games lots and you want
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to play something else playing just some board games at
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home with your mommies and daddies or families where
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we all get together and have a lovely time.
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So things like snakes and ladders a really good
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game to practise that counting forward and backwards.
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So anything like that.
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Good stuff. All right, so let's have a look at this week's mass packs.
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the first one is add three numbers now.
- 00:58 - 01:03
We had a little go of this, but I think you can be brilliant,
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and you can show your mommies and daddies how wonderful
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you are doing all of your adding now and remember,
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we can always draw it out to help us.
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- 01:13 - 01:17
So the first part is you have to play with a partner,
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okay? And one of you has a grid like this,
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and the other person has the other grid.
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And what you do is you roll the dice, okay?
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And whatever number it lands on you choose a box to write that number in,
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and your partner chooses a box to write the same number into say, you Rolla Thorpe.
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You write a four in your partner, right?
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So foreign, and you can choose anywhere to write it. Okay?
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And you keep going, taking it in turns until all of the boxes are full.
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All right? And then you have to choose three numbers in a row.
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All right, so it says here that you can choose. I'm just checking.
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Really? It doesn't matter. You can choose to go across.
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You can choose to go down, or you could choose to go diagonally if you want,
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so you have to choose three in a row,
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and so does your partner. And then you have to add up those three numbers
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and whoever gets the biggest score wins the point. And then you start all over again.
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Oh, you might want to choose a different road. So I'm going to show you what I mean.
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So I'm gonna fill in some of the boxes, so I'm going to have
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Okay, so I've just felt in the top row, so I've got to
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add four. Add three.
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So I'm going to write it as a number sentence first, so I know what I'm doing.
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add four. Add three equals. So it will look like that.
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I know again, my numbers are back to front. But you know what I mean?
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To add four and three.
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What do we do to help us?
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I could draw a number line
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and practise jumping along.
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Mm. But there's something better.
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I know I can draw it.
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So underneath each of my digits, I'm going to draw my dots to help me.
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So I need two dots.
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Four dots.
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and three dots.
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because this is the same as saying a part of two
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a part of four
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and a part of three
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Make a hole of what?
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So now I've got to add them all together so I can count my dots to help me.
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Now if you've got counters, if you've got cubes,
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you can put them underneath is entirely up to you.
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So let's count together.
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So I know I don't need to count this because I know I've already got
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two. Well done. So let's carry on counting. So I've got to to in my head.
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- 04:36 - 04:39
I'm going to double check it. I'm going to check it again.
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Just in case I've made a mistake.
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- 04:44 - 04:54
3456789. So I know
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that my answer is nine. So I know that a part of two
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add a part of four
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add a part of three
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makes a whole of nine.
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So that's your first game.
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I hope that you enjoy playing that I wonder if you can beat your mommies and daddies.
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I think you're going to be better at adding up three numbers than they are.
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You have to let me know now.
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Your next one is all about shapes, and we've been learning about shapes this week,
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haven't we?
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So we've been learning about three D shapes
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and we'll be learning about two d shapes.
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So I'm putting this video on tonight on a Thursday night,
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and your mass packs will come home tomorrow on Friday,
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so you'll be able to tell your mommies and daddies about these shapes by them.
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All right, so what you have to do is it says,
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roll the dice and say the number.
- 05:59 - 06:02
Then you need to find a shape
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with that many sides on. So again, counting those sides.
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And I want you to really think about everything we've learned
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and see if you can tell your members and Daddy's what shape you've
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landed on or what we call a shape with that many sides.
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big test for you.
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And then what you do is you put your counter on top of it
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and then you carry on, and when you get three counters in a row, that means you win.
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All right. So
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I wonder.
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I wonder who's going to be the best at adding three numbers,
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and I wonder who's going to be the best remembering
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as many of those shape names as you can,
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- 06:55 - 07:00
I hope you have fun playing it, and I look forward to seeing the morning take care.
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