Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hi I'm taylor ploiesti and it's my project and I'm
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going to tell you all about the stages of labor.
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So not that Ivan first we're going to go to
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stage one, there's three stages so we're gonna start stage
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one because obviously that's for stage and this is cervical
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dilation and effacement as you can see and pretty much
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this is the longest stage of labor which we'll get
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into. And this is the one that if you're thinking
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of labor this is probably what you're thinking of.
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Like you're gonna have contractions and all that.
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So let's see how long it lasts And like it
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says the average is 12 hours but that is there's
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so many different things that it could last in the
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last few hours or it could last days.
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There's really no saying um my sister in law actually
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got induced and she I think was in labor for
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two days.
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It was crazy.
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We're just waiting for that baby to come.
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But she was in labor for a long time.
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So I can only imagine how not fun that is
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but and then like it says um so right away
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you're kind of having contractions a little bit and then
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you're starting to time them and then you get into
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transition and that is when your contractions are pretty close
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to each other like a minute of heart not even
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and they're just constant and that means you're about ready
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to give birth and so see the next thing and
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the next thing is you just is contracting regularly and
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like I said your uterus is moving and trying to
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spread apart and trying to push this baby down.
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So it's making motions move it down and make it
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more smoothly down the birth canal.
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And as you can see the dilation chart, you go
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from zero to a melon.
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So that's pretty crazy.
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But so that's why this stage takes a long time
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for others and other times it's just ready to go
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and it's going, but pretty much stretching and making it
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larger for the baby to come down the birth canal.
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Okay, next, we're gonna talk about pain methods and a
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lot of people either go natural or they go payments.
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Let's dive into that.
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Oh my God.
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Okay, so obviously there's a lot of pain that goes
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on and you can either, some people go all natural
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births or some people have pain medications and obviously natural
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your have different techniques that you can use or you
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can use pain medications personally.
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I think I'll be using pain medications, but obviously that's
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a long ways down the line.
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So I really don't know.
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Well he is, but if I had to pick right
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now, I'd pick pain medication just because it's not going
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to hurt the baby and I am not a huge
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fan of pain.
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So let's look at some natural methods.
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These are, there's tons of different things and I just
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pick some that are mostly common sense and a lot
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of people do them.
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So let's go into standing or walking and this really
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helps with gravity and to move the baby down the
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birth canal and you can find them in either like
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walking down the hallway or sometimes they're at home, still
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in there in the early stages and walking down the
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studio, they're trying to walk around the house just to
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keep pushing that baby, move it down a little bit,
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helps the gravity and sometimes it helps you get your
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mind off of it.
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So that also some pro of walking around, like obviously
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if I'm in a lot of pain, I would want
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to walk around the hospital maybe a little bit, get
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my mind off things not being trapped in their own.
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Um Obviously though this is more for the earlier stages
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of stage one, because when you're in that transition stage
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and your interactions are backed back, you're not going to
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want to be walking around, you're going to be in
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so much pain, you're just gonna want to be in
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the bed just so again, this is more further early,
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but it helps.
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Um okay, now let's go into the next one which
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is sitting.
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Um so you can do this in hospital obviously, and
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this again works with the power of gravity and you're
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gonna be sitting on a little bowl exercise balls that
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they have at the hospital and you're going to be
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balancing trying to use gravity to get that baby moving
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down the birth canal trying to move along labor because
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no one wants a long labor you want as fast
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as possible, but not too fast obviously.
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But so yeah, you can bounce the ball and try
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to use your gravity to get past all right next
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is leaning over or kneeling.
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Now this is like when you're getting over a chair
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or and so this one is when you're having a
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back later in the back labor is when a baby
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is pushing on your spine.
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So it's going down through the backs of your vaccine
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me in so much pain.
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So sometimes it's nice just to get the gravity try
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to push it forward.
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So it's not so much going up against your back,
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so that's pretty painful.
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But like it shows even lean over a chair, lean
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over another exercise ball that they have that's just trying
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to push it forward so it's not hurting your back
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so much.
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It's good.
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The next one.
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So those are the natural never going to get to
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pain medications.
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Now with pain medications, there's so many different ones.
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I just kind of did too popular ones that most
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people do and the first one is going to be
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epidural, this would be the one I would get if
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I had to Now it's really scary because so you're
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sitting on the edge of the bed and the doctor
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obviously is going to open up the back of your
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gown and they're gonna put the super, it's really long.
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I saw it in one of my classes and one
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of my friends was in, she's job shadowing obese and
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she watched enough but it will be done and we
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got told story and it sounds scary but it really
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comes so it goes into your spine but it's going
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to be in between in this little like space and
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they're gonna put a little catheter in and then after
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that catheters and then they're gonna administer some medications that
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blocks it.
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In a funny story about this.
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Also my friend's mom just had a baby and uh
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so that the girl wasn't working right away and they
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put another Dawson and then it really worked and she
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couldn't feel her legs were like two days like til
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the next day.
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So I hope that doesn't happen because that sounds pretty
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scary and intense but I'm sure the pain was blocked
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out okay na the other one is opioids and it
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sounds kinda because obviously there's opioid all around but that
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just pretty much means some pain medications and that's stronger
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than Tylenol and stuff so they can administer those drives
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and you always see you know people in labor with
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IV's and stuff so again this kin it says over
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there that it can encourage rest into like you know
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might not take away fully the pain like an epidural
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world but it can actually help you rest because you're
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always away with those in contraction.
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So this could help you rest a little bit.
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Okay, so those are the pain medications that you can
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do. So this is a stage one and again, this
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is the longest stage.
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So buckle up, it's gonna be a while to be
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in this one when you think of like, okay, time
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to have the baby, this is your stage, this is
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going to be the longest and what you're gonna experience
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the most.
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So It's going to the next one.
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Stage two Alice is when you're having the baby and
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this like, so the baby is coming up.
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So what is happening, obviously your uterus has contracted it
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down and with helps and pushes of the mother because
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like in movies and so if you were screaming trying
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to push it out, that's the stage and that's when
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it's trying to push out and it's going to come
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out head first and then after they call that crowning.
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So you can see the head coming out and then
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after the head pops out, then doctors going to shimmy
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the shoulders out and then get the rest of the
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limbs out as fast as I can then So this
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son, like it says last, you can see it 20-50
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minutes. And so this one isn't too long and it
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can be shorter, it can be longer depends how deep
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in the stage you are and how complicated, like for
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example, if your baby's flipped, my mom works in the
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yards. So she told me a story about someone came
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in and she was already like obviously in Stage two
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of the baby is ready to come out but it
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was flipped and the fee had to come out first
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and the doctors were stressed because usually feet first it
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was too late and you can feel the baby you
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go into C section because it can be super dangerous
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and super hard but they don't live here.
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The baby's healthiest tom.
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Things like that can happen.
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Uh huh.
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Now in stage two we're gonna dive into different deliveries
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around the world and this is making the deliveries around
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the world.
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So I'm going to go through these few and obviously
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things that I'm showing you is american culture.
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So we don't really know much about everyone's so let's
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go to Afghanistan.
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Um So like it says most people give birth at
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home and obviously in those kind of countries it's hospitals
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aren't always the best and they're not huge either.
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So you can't really look into that.
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Um and else is a grandmother.
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So when the babies are born there's kind of professional
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help you, it's grandmother and that can be pretty scary
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but that's how it is there.
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So you can see these pictures of some others in
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there Going to our next one it's going to china.
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Now this one was kind of talked about her book
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a little bit but I saw some more information and
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they actually like to give birth in a squatting position
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which normally it's laying on the bed.
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But I've seen studies and stuff that sometimes it's better
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to give birth squatting because they grab you, helps out.
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Um And the other thing that I found it interesting
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and follow and I was looking at this country, women
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don't usually scream or cry during labor and or during
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birth and that I can't imagine going through that much
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pain and not screaming or doing anything.
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And then I found this in a lot of countries,
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but the father is usually also not there when the
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mothers giving birth, but also with that I also read
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that they're not really involved in like pregnancy stuff for
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like during that stage anyway, so that's kind of happy,
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tough for me.
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You definitely need support system.
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I feel like I just met the nurses, you want
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someone there that okay, but that's the culture there.
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Um We're gonna go to Iran and this one was
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kind of interesting.
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So they have a midway for a doctor and walking
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before strongly encourage, which I feel like it's kind of
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around the world, like a lot of people are going
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to walk, but it must be very strongly encouraged.
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Um So and then the fathers are also not involved,
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which again it's pretty, I guess common around the world,
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which is pretty sad because I would definitely want my
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husband there at my birth.
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All right now we're going to go into Somalia.
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This one is also interesting.
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So if you lived in a town in Somalia you
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give birth in a hospital with and not the hospitals
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are right there, but you know you're going to give
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birth there, but if you live in the country you're
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going to give birth with a midwife, you're going to
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have a midwife come to your house and deliver them
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there. I'm guessing you're not very close to a hospital
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and there's not probably car is there anything that drive
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that often in there?
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And so they have a midwife come but it said
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the midwives are very experienced and know what they're doing.
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So I probably would trust the midwife with that too.
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So that's how they do it in small.
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Um and then the other interesting thing is they don't
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leave their house, I just had to add in there.
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It's not really a stage two, but they don't leave
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their house for 40 days after having a baby.
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So that's pretty awesome.
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Yeah, so that's all the different breathing techniques around the
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world. Now let's go to stage three the last stage
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and usually you think ends up stage two but go
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stage three and that's placenta separation and this one is
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also not very long either.
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So what is happening.
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So this is the last stage and I'm guessing like
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I saw this until I learned this last year in
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my class.
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I don't even know this is the thing, I never
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thought that we have to deliver the placenta.
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But you do and so you deliver the placenta and
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the remaining biblical cord and any other membranes and stuff.
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And this only takes about 15 minutes.
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But I've also, when I was researching this, I read
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that it is not coming out.
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Sometimes doctors have to get their hand in there and
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like scoop it.
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I hope it doesn't have to happen.
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But I also read like right after this, they're gonna
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like massage your stomach.
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So then every like your orders and everything goes back
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to small.
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So I thought I add that in there.
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It's not in the stage, but I feel like it
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should be included in something.
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So they like strongly massage your stomach to try to
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get everything back down to size so that's kind of
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invasive. So that's what that stages.
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And looking up this also led me to different uses
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of the placenta, which was interesting because I haven't heard
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most of these.
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Um so I found that some people eat their placenta
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and there's many different opinions, but I personally would never
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let's look into that.
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So I would not eat it.
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So some others online, they can make smoothies, they can
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make pills, they boil it so they get everything out
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and freeze it all that and I looked it up,
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see if it's safe or not because that doesn't sound
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great to teach their own.
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And actually my oh clinic does not recommend doing it
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because there could be like diseases and stuff that's in
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it and you, it actually said extremely dangerous.
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So I don't think it's recommended.
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But you know, some of those natural moms out there
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might be trying it.
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But uh that's interesting to me.
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Okay. And then another thing you can do with your
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placenta is donate it actually though.
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And I don't know this is the thing that you
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could donate it to a tissue bank and santa's have
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a bunch of nutrients and all that.
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So that was quite interesting to me.
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And then other uses.
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You can make jewelry player sento or placenta are obviously
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just stamp it on there.
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So that's that.
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So that was stage three and that's all the stages
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of labor.
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So pretty much that's everything that goes on and a
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lot of time.
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But what happens?
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Oh, my sources on here, I will send it to.
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Of course I didn't want to go on here.
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But thank you