- Chemical Symbol: P
- Atomic Number: 15
Interesting Facts:
- Used in some soft drinks
- Can be used as a plant nutrient
- Chemical Symbol: As
- Atomic Number: 33
- Chemical Symbol: N
- Atomic Number: 7
2 Facts about Nitrogen:
- if combined with hydrogen, ammonia is produced
- used in processes to make steel
2 Interesting Facts about Arsenic:
- used in wood perservatives
- found in lead alloys
Nitrogen Family
- Nitrogen
- Phosphorus
- Arsenic
- Antimony
- Bismuth
- each has 5 valence electrons
- has a tendency to gain 3 electrons to have a stable electron configuration
- also known as Pnicogens, from the Greek word Pnicomigs: meaning to choke
- Nitrogen and Phosphorus are the most common because they are used a lot and in the human body
- boiling point decreases down the group
- number of isotopes ranges from 2-35
By: Jordan Moll, Emma Klepper, and
Samantha Klementovich
- Chemical Symbol: Sb
- Atomic Number: 51
- Chemical Symbol: Bi
- Atomic Number: 83
2 Interesting Facts
- used in some medicines
- used in fire detection systems
2 Facts about Antimony:
- used in batteries
- used in paints, glass, and pottery