- Founder of Babism : Muhammad Al-Syirazi
- Founder of Baha'i : Husain Ali Al-Mazandarani (Baha'u'llah) 1817M-1892M
- Founded in 19th century / 1847M -Persia
- His son, Abdul Baha' spread the faith
Bahai's Beliefs
Allah's world, the Creator
- All humanity is one family
- Women and men are equal
- All prejudice - racial, religious, national or economic - is destructive and must be overcome
- Science and religion are in harmony
- Our economic problem are linked to spiritual problems
- The family and its unity are very important
- There is one God
- All major religions come from God
- World peace is the crying need of our time
- Independent investigation of the truth
World, His manifestation
Marriage&Divorce in Bahai
And human's world
Deviant's teachings of Baha'i
- equal right
- valid even one party refuse
- husband's obligatory to provide for wife and children
Combined three horizontal bars
- is not obligatory but it is recommended
- permission from parents
- bride and groom each recite marriage verse separately in presence of two witnesses
- overseen by the Local Spiritual Assembly
- wedding verse : "We will all, verily, abide by the Will of God".
- sexual activity is only allowed within marriage
- Believe that the founder is manifestation of God
- Believe that all religions are the same and being combined in Baha'i
- Holy Book : Al-Bayan (abolish the scriptures of Samawi)
- Believe that this world exists eternally
- Believe that Jesus was being crossed
- Glorify Code 19 (calendars)
- Denies prophets' signs, angels, heaven and hell
- Abolish Islam & jihad
- Assume Acre in Palestine as the new kiblat
- Fasting for 19 days before celebrating Hari Raya Naurus on 21 March
- Do not accept zakat
- Prayers were obligated for 15 years old and above
- Do not drink alcohol
- Must read a part of the holy writings every morning and evening
- Permitted to eat any food
- The body should be buried within one hour's travelling distance of the place of death
- Gambling is forbidden
Baha'i in Malaysia
"A 100-member choir made up of youths made quite an impact at a Merdeka Devotional event organised by the Baha’i community of Malaysia recently....." - The Star, September 9, 2014 -
"The Baha’i community feels strongly that education has a major role in developing individuals......." - The Star, September 15, 2013
“The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens”