Physical Intimacy
- Consent & Boundaries Practice
Independent Contractor with BC schools
Youth Rites of Passage
- Online community / support group for parents
- Custom & intuitive rituals to honour & witness pubescent transition
- Village - friends, family, Elders
- Reconnecting with ancestral lineages
- Individuals & Small groups
Sexual Health is Cultural & Relational
- Reconnection & revolution
- From solidarity to accompliceship
- Trauma & emotional / behavioural regulation
- Interpersonal relationship skills
- Learning to live in Balance
Ashley Inc.
- Rites of Passage Mentorship
- Confidence / Imposter Syndrome
Nurturing my
What Would Emma Goldman Do?
Root to Rise
Composting, Molting & Living in the Liminal
- Conservative, Extractive Industry Town
- Be a Good Girl & Do What You're Told
- Harm Reduction & Street Level Outreach
- Escape to the Forest, then to BC
- Psychedelic Epiphanies
- Love + Belonging = Security & Freedom
- Predatory Health Care & Toxic Spirituality
- Guided Land-Based Fast / Initiation
- Friendship & Community Care
Orient to Values