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Student Led Iep Powerpoint Template

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Student-led IEP

Transcript: Student-led IEPs: Benefits, challenges, and how to successfully implement Jenna Anderson The What & Why Importance What is a student-led IEP "Student-led IEP meetings are a student-centered and student-directed practice that empowers students to participate in their IEP meetings as contributors, participants, and, most importantly, leaders" (Davis & Cummings, 2019) What Why is this important? When effectively implemented, student-led IEP meetings are widely considered to be beneficial at gaining self-advocacy and self-determination skills for students with disabilities. Self-advocacy and self-determination are two skill sets that appear to be associated with successful life outcomes (Wehmeyer & Palmer, 2003) Why Interviews & Opinions Opinions Middle school SPED teacher Middle School SPED teacher What is your opinion of a Student-led IEP? Student involvement in their IEP should only be through the proxy of their parents. Students (especially middle school) cannot take on the added burden of leading their own IEP Have you implemented/participated in a student-led IEP? No Other comments Also does not believe co-teaching is helpful; students with special needs should receive services exclusively from the special education teacher. Students should be aware and knowledgeable about their disability High school SPED Teacher High School SPED teacher What is your opinion of a Student-led IEP? True student led-IEPs are not practical; many students cannot regulate during the meetings and it is unfair and unethical to add the pressure of leading their own IEP Have you implemented/participated in a student-led IEP? Not true-student-led; in their program, they invite the students so the student can introduce themselves and others in the meeting and give input on how they are doing in their classes. But are not expected to take ownership of their meeting. Other comments Agrees that some student involvement will help prepare them for life after HS, but having a student take full-ownership and lead their own IEP meeting is not reasonable. Parent of 7th grader with IEP Parent of a middle school child with an IEP What is your opinion of a Student-led IEP? Likes the idea of a student-led IEP and would like to see a school structure that helps implement this appropriately; it could really benefit the students. Have you participated in a student-led IEP? No; has a poor relationship with the school and district in which she would not want to expose her son to this environment Other comments If the family and school had a better relationship, they would like to see their child be empowered to take ownership and leadership of his IEP High school student with IEP High school student with an IEP What is your opinion of a Student-led IEP? Enjoys being a part of his IEP meetings and goals; with good relationships with special education team, being a part of IEP process has been good at prepare student for life after school Have you implemented/participated in a student-led IEP? Wasn't aware of the term "Student-led IEP" but knew the concept and, in HS, has since participated more and more in plans. Was not as involved/aware of IEP prior to high school. Other comments Has built a really strong relationship with Special Ed teacher who has helped build skills to be involved and take ownership Challenges with student-led IEP meetings Challenges Time and resources: Proper implementation takes time Relationships and expectations: Special education teachers often bear the burden of responsibility in implementing Distrust between families & schools Imperfect implementation: Often times, teachers and families wan immediate results, which impairs effective practices to support students to lead their IEP meetings, plans, and follow up practices Benefits of student-led IEP Self-determination & self-advocacy Leadership & ownership skills Empowerment Problem solving skills Knowledge about their IEP, goals, education Increased sense of responsibility & pride Confidence in reaching goals Especially high school-aged students: Student led IEPs allow them to gain skills to support them into their post-school lives Benefits Implementation: To successfully implement a student-led IEP meeting only 1 additional planning step is required to the overall IEP planning process: Developing background knowledge Help the student develop the necessary background knowledge and a rational to facilitate their active and meaningful participation Implementation Ways to involve students in IEP Process: Develop an IEP scavenger hunt: allows the student to find certain information in their IEPs & become familiar with the IEP Read fictional books that have characters with disabilities; see how the character faces their disability Help students develop a vision statement for themselves Organizing the meeting plan: Have students write letters inviting meeting participants to attend Allow students to practice and prepare for the meeting (establish a safe space) Teach students to


Transcript: □ Attend the meeting □Introduce participants at the meeting □Share samples of your work from your classes □ Present specific information for your IEP (information about your Present Level of Performance, accommodations, etc.) □Share ideas about what works well for you □Present information from your notebook or PowerPoint about yourself □ Review your previous IEP goals and progress toward those goals □ Lead the discussion of transition plans (your future) □Recommend new IEP goals and accommodations □Lead the IEP meeting MEETING AGENDA Choose a student -You should have a good relationship with this student and start preparing the student for the meeting. Work on interview strategies. Inform the parents and IEP team - Involve the parents and IEP team. More help means better preparation How to Help Students Lead Their IEP Meetings - WHAT IS A STUDENT-LED LEP MEETING Review parts of the IEP. Determine amount of participation . Decide how much of the meeting the student will be leading. For beginners, start with introducing the participants and introducing themselves. For more experienced or older students, writing the IEP and leading the entire meeting Begin writing chosen pieces and prepare presentation Highlight areas student will present When a student takes control of their own IEP meeting and leads discussion on their present levels of performance, yearly goals and objectives, transition plans, special services, and accommodations. How will we educate families about the new IEP process? POSITIVE RELATIONSHIP WITH PARENT/STUDENT IEP MEETING CENTERED ON STUDENT NEEDS IT’S NOT JUST PAPERWORK ANYMORE! This may be a long process in the beginning, but the hard work will pay off. PREPARE THE STUDENT COMMON CHARACTERISTICS CHART TEACHER BENEFITS HOW TO GET STARTED Will student-led IEPs meet legal requirements? LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES FOCUSES MORE ON THE STUDENT - Instead of the focus being on what the student CAN’T do, it focuses on the student telling what they CAN do. IEP MORE RELEVANT TO STUDENT NEEDS - How they learn better, preferences, strengths and weaknesses MEETING MAINTAINS POSITIVE FOCUS AND INTERACTION - Student talks about their dreams and barriers. Satisfaction level of everyone involved increases significantly START PREPARING Getting students involved with their education Training for administrators and teachers: What would be covered: How to write and implement an IEP How to help the student achieve confidence to lead a meeting How to help the student understand the IEP and what it means How a student-led IEP is beneficial to the student, teachers, administrators and parents Benchmark dates: This depends on the student’s ability to self advocate effectively SAMPLE IEP PORTFOLIO PAGES BETTER UNDERSTANDING AND AWARENESS OF: - DISABILITY: Most students do not know what their disability is or how it affects them. - IEP PROCESS AND RELEVANCE: Many students do not know what their accommodations are and how to utilize them. - SELF-DETERMINATION SKILLS: Part of being self-determined is knowing your rights and responsibilities Each team member will have the information regarding the student and their culture. Members will have the opportunity to discuss the beliefs. PARENT BENEFITS How will student-led IEP meetings empower students to own their disability? REFERENCES YES! The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act says: Students (regardless of how young, but always by age 16) must be invited to an IEP meeting where transition will be discussed. And The student’s individual strengths, weaknesses, needs, and interests must be considered when the IEP is being completed, as well as throughout its implementation. STUDENT-LED IEP SCHOOL DISTRICT BENEFITS Why should this be implemented? INCREASED PARENT INVOLVEMENT AND CHOICE IMPROVED COMMUNICATION WITH TEACHER MORE SELF-DETERMINED YOUTH POSITIVE INTERACTION WITH SCHOOL PERSONNEL How are you going to overcome cultural differences in student-led IEPs? Decrease in drop out rates Increase in graduation rates Decrease in inappropriate behavior Informational meetings and classes will be given to parents and teachers on this process. The special education department is always available to discuss any questions that may arise. Increase ability and disability awareness Increase knowledge of their rights (IDEA and ADA) By being able to lead their own IEP meeting, students will have a greater understanding of their disability by being able to document their progress towards their goals. They will also gain an understanding of the components of their IEP and what they mean. STUDENT BENEFITS IMPLEMENTATION ACTION PLAN Discuss relaxation techniques Hold mock meeting practices Establish prompts and encouragement Create a backup plan Encourage Thank You notes Provide PRAISE

Student Led IEP

Transcript: TOPIC INTRO Student Led IEP Nicole Kingseed Rationale behind having students involved in their IEPs. Students develop skills such as: Self-determination responsibility communication advocating/ self-adovcacy Positive Outcomes gain more self-confidence more positive interactions with adults assumed more responsibilty aware of limitations available resources become more available understand purpose of IEP goals, objectives, accommodations and modifications relaxed and positive atmosphere parents contribute more more of a team effort Rationale cont. Teacher role changes from facilitator to initiator "Self-determination and self-advocacy are interrelated in that self-determination involves making and implementing choices based on personal needs, interests, and values" (McGahee, 2001) Self- Determination Self-determination Self-determination defined "Self-determination is defined as acting as the primary casual agent in one's life and to making choices regarding one's actions free from undue external influence or interference" (Hawbaker, 2007) Self-determination Benefits likely to experience greater degrees of social and employment success Skills that are included within self-determination: "thinking aloud", problem-solve, systematic self-evaluation of student work, setting goals, implementing goals, reviewing goals for results, and making adjustments to goals. knowing one's strengths, weakness, and preferences setting personal goals making plan and taking action achieve goals evaluating outcomes Families Families Families or students different beliefs about self-determination inform parents of plan assure parents that their child's rights will not be violated Parents may be concerned if their child will be able to achieve self-advocacy and lead a meeting Parents may not be comfortable having their child speaking of their disabilities Student’s culture can impact transition planning. Parents based on culture, may have different beliefs or goals for their child when they enter adulthood/transition period different cultures valued independence and interdependence differently (some believing the whole of a group rather than full independence) involve families as much as possible for transition planning to fit individual and family needs Plan Plan to educate student Disability understand disability what does their disability mean and defined as teach child their disability isn't who they are just a piece of them IEP and IDEA IEP Purpose Rationale (benefits of IEP) Sections Give student copym of IEP to exam teach about special education law that pertaines to IEP meetings and the rights of students learning and becoming knowledgable of their civil rights by learning about IDEA Strengths and Weaknesses/ Goals/Accommodations and Modifications teach what are measurable post-secondary goals assist students in practicing writing goals that are measurable have student identify a list of their strengths and weaknesses Student should review IEP and what modifications and accommodations they currently use Overall plan Person-centered planning helping student understand their IEP Engaging students in developing an IEP Preparing students to participate in and lead their IEP meeting Montior ongoing self-advocacy Develop a long-term plan, a schedule allowing enough time for student to develop the knwoledge and skills that they will need to lead and understand an IEP meeting Overall plan cont. Provide differentiated instruction - providing audio/visuals and cooperative learning Provide accommodations and modifications as needed Provide interactive lessons and presentations Instruction should be individualized to students needs Transition Plan Include students and families goals for the future Have student provide their interests for the future Transition Plan Cont. Student relate current accommodations and modifications they currently have to what may be needed after high-school Students should participate in job-shadowing to help student plans Prepare to students for work, creating resumes etc. Post secondary goals that are written should be specific If student plans for college have student begin research on schools Students Responsibilities prior Students Responsibility prior to meeting What is your strategy? Copy of IEP Short description here Goals/Transitions Plan for future Short description here Short description here Portfolio Short description here IEP Provide student a copy of their IEP Review over students IEP Review goals, accommodations, and modifications Have students highlight statements that they disagree with in IEP Student add their own ideas to what could be included Goals Have student make a list of strengths and weaknesses for each subject Student reviews goals that have already been placed in IEP Student marks whichj goals have already been met Identify goals that they feel they do not agree with Add goals that they think should be added Accommodations and Modifications Ask the student on what helps them learn

IEP: Student Led

Transcript: The Student Led Individual Education Plan Meeting The Problem Why have students Lead? I'm out of here! Who needs to increase buy in the most? Two Keys They take ownership for their part on the team The Student See what I can do! Hear my concerns: My child is my focus The Parent Look at what my child can do! Look what my child did Their present Their future How To Give Students the Tools 1. Ask Student to think about several key questions What were you thinking?! Fill it out on Canvas or on paper 2. Give the students 1 week to write (plan 2 weeks) 3. Follow up with action If it is not complete Communicate to parents and give an out. Disclose the Strategy Communicate Openly Student takes ownership Student-Led Give the student electronic and paper options for the planner completion Give the Student Options Student Guide for the Meeting -- Their Information Student Planner Intro Planner Sections Your Individual Education Plan Meeting is scheduled with parent(s), an administrator, a general education teacher, the gifted facilitator, and most importantly -- you. You will lead the meeting. It is intended to be a structured conversation.In preparation for the meeting, please use this guide as a reference point. Consider your answers. There will be opportunity at the end of this questionnaire form to include those things which were not covered in these questions. Please be sure to add information you want in your Individual Education Plan. IEP Meeting Order Make it Sequential Purpose of the meeting Introductions Executive Functioning Time Managment Organization Procrastination Vision for the Future Possible Careers How Strengths Help Academic Achievement Goal/s Progress/Completion New Goal/s Transition Testing Last Year, This Year Accommodations Modifications Extracurricular Volunteer Essays Letters of Reference Interviewing Skills Job Shadowing Other Other Positives Other Items

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