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Humor Powerpoint Template

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Transcript: Humor What's funny? Understatement or Meiosis When an author deliberately understates the obvious, he or she is using meiosis. Romeo and Juliet: Mercutio describes his mortal wound "not so deep as a well, nor so wide as a church door; but 'tis enough, 'twill serve." Jaws: Richard Dreyfuss says: "We're gonna need a bigger boat." Dialect: the usage or vocabulary that is characteristic of a specific group of people is called dialect Satire: Writers use ridicule to point out human folly. Satire is not limited to fiction pieces. John Stewart, Stephen Colbert, The Onion Parody: A parody is a literary imitation of another piece of literature, usually using exaggeration for comic purpose Exaggeration/Hyperbole Although hyperbole is used to intensify some situations, it often leads to humor. "I caught a fish as big as my bungalow." Incongruity lack of harmony between two statements or events. Incongruity also leads to humor often because a tense situation may eventually lead to nothing, making us laugh. Slapstick Physical humor, or events that are often beyond the common sense to understand and judge. It almost always makes us laugh and eases any tension in the story Sarcasm a sharp, bitter or cutting remark on something or someone. The intensity of ridicule or mockery is often a bit harsh and terse in sarcasm. Verbal Humor: word play, name-calling, jokes and puns, malapropisms (the unintentional misuse of language), or the misinterpretation of language Pun: a play on words Puns are a common source of humor in jokes and they certainly are one of the most common types of humor A vulture boards a plane, carrying two dead possums. The attendant looks at him and says, "I'm sorry, sir, only one carrion allowed per passenger." Malapropism: Misuse of words "No, a moo point. Yeah, it's like a cow's opinion. It just doesn't matter. It's moo." (i.e., moot) Joey Tribbiani on NBC's Friends Comic or situational Irony: Irony generally means that something that has been said or done is different than what the speaker meant. Comic irony from television sketch-comedy has the distinction over literary comic irony in that it often incorporates elements of absurdity A classic example is where a shark trying to impress his shark friends by learning to surf. He then surfs so well that his friends mistake him for an actual surfer and eat him.


Transcript: Is this true? What is your favorite comedy TV program? It's a humorous play on words, often words that sound the same but have different meanings. The quality that makes something laughable or amusing. It's a joke that has been told a lot, and therefore does not seem new interesting and is often predictable. Idiom Do you like to play pranks? Non p.c joke To conclude... What is your opinion...humor is positive or negative? - What are some common subjects that people like to joke about? Let's see some examples Have you ever told a joke in an inappropriate moment? What do you think about the humor nowadays? Humor or Humour - What is a good joke to tell a child? Do you laugh from corny jokes? Q: What breed of dog would you want on your American football team? A: A golden receiver. Pun Positive or negative? It's not "politically correct" because it may be degrading to women, black people, etc. Pranks Corny joke What about a joke that nobody laughed or understood? When do you get out of humor? Practical joke Can you tell a situation where the humor is present? Independent if it is used in a positive or negative way. Have you ever told a joke to cheer someone up? Or to minimize a difficult situation? SITCOMS I see a lot of women are browsing this site... The dinner won't cook itself you know. Jokes - Tell us a joke. - In this case, the joke is good or bad? - Do you like jokes? Q: What type of computer sings? A: A Dell "The sense of humor is relative, because what is funny for me may be not funny for you." - What are the reasons for a person tells a joke? What are the TV programs that tell non p.c. jokes? Out of humor


Transcript: Spoof: A more playful and gentle parody, not necessarily for ridicule. The comedy is found not technically what it is being spoofed about, but in recognition that it is being spoofed about something. For Example, the 2011 Saturday Night Live skit about Adele's "Someone Like You" making the business woman cry. You're not laughing because it's making fun of crying women. You're laughing because it is recognizable Lies- a lie is funny when it is obviously untrue, in a lighthearted context, and everyone else but the subject knows the truth By Morgan Vaudrien The Unexpected- when something happens at the wrong time, or the right time and no one saw it coming. Sometimes the same humor is found in the expected. Types, or "Brands" of Comedy Parody: When someone is deliberately mimmicking the stile of another for comic effect or to ridicule them. For example, the "Scary Movie" series is a parody of 1990s-early 2000s horror movies Satire: When a part of society or politics is mocked to poke fun at them and criticize them using humor. For example, 30 Rock is a TV show making fun of the TV and entertainment business, but has an actual plot Funny adjective: causing laughter or amusement noun: the comic strips in the newspaper After extensive research, scientists have gathered that there is not any particular science in humor, but it is an art. Here are some examples of categories people typically find humor in, according to David J. Parker's "How to be Funny": Categories of "Funny Things" Types of Comedy Continued Wordplay- word play can be incredibly obvious, or just subtle hints, such as someone saying "s" words who has a lisp Puns- but puns aren't actually funny, which is why they are funny Pain- this is typically shown as physical pain to be humorous, emotional pain isn't as funny to people What is "funny" What Makes us Laugh? What is Humor? Why is Something Funny? Slapstick: Devon picks up a metal pole. Morgan behind her says "Hey Devon, careful with that pole!" Devon turns around saying "What?" and whacks Morgan in the stomach with the pole

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