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Holy Bible

Transcript: Practices; Since both are a branch derived from the Catholic Church, Maronite's practices and rituals too are similar to those of the Roman Catholic Church. Although over the past centuries there may be a few tweaks and small extensions added, the rites and stuff remains the same. For e.g. Eucharist, Last Supper, Anointing of the sick, etc. By Cameron A. and Anthony Jian During the 1850s the Lebanese migrated to Australia and began to se tup maronite churches in Sydney , Adelaide and Melbourne which they completed in the 1880s. Language/Culture/Identity of community Maronite's Population A symbolic painting of the maronite rite Holy Bible Maronite Impact on the Catholic church The language of the Maronite people was originally Arabic but many maronites also speak french. Syriac is used for church liturgy but Arabic has been used for recordings since the start of the rite. They have the same respect and understand the authority of the pope but they have a different following on religion. They allow priests to marry and mmonks and nuns stay in the same building. They believe christ is at one with humanity and als a the same time a divine being. Events and Festivals Patron Saints: Pope Sergius - Great influence St. Maron - Core of the Maronite Branch St. Elias - Famous for his miracles St. Charble - Admired for his love and faith The Maronite rite have their own personal pope called the Patriarch. The maronite rite was either named after a monk named John Maron but some maronites claim it was named after another monk named Maro of Cyrrhus. The Maronite priest can commit marry unlike many other rites of the church. x As the Maronite community develops, it brings its influence and Catholic status with its growing popularity. The effect Maronites had on the Roman Catholic Church debates, councils, and politics are drawing unwanted attention to them. Such as the massacre of 350 monks by Monphysites, for siding with the Council of Chalcedon. Maronite's church has added more concerns and benefits to the Roman Catholic Church. The Maronites and other branches are dragging each other into their concerns, trying to gain the upper hand or equality to deal with their own problems. The Maronite's Catholic status and population are also a big deal to elections and votes, and a target of manipulation. They also add to the amount of help and labor needed in the Catholic realm. The Maronites started off as group of Christians, centred around the hermit called Maron. As time goes by, the supporters have already developed into the Maronite Branch of the Catholic Church. However, as centuries passes on, the Maronites experiences many unlucky events such as rebellion, war and disagreements which led to up and downs in the Maronite's population, wandering of around 3-5 millions. Present: Little bit more than 3mil. Maronite Presentation The contrast between the Maronite church and the Latin church is quite hard to find. As the Maronite church and other rites were influenced by the Latin rite. The main difference is that Maronite priest can marry while Latin priests may not.Another difference is that the Maronite church use Syraic for liturgy and the church instead of being under the pope they mainly respect the Maronite Patriarch who preaches in Syriac not in Latin. Bibliography: Kjeilen, TK. Maronite Church [Internet]. Available from <> Knight, KK. (2012). Present State of Maronites [Internet]. Available fromm <> (2008). Maronite [Internet]. Mediwiki. Available from <> Patron Saints [Internet]. Available from <> History of Maronites [Internet]. Available from <> The Maronites origin traces back to the early 5th century, where a hermit named Maro (Marun) has gained control over the attention of local Christians, and the group starts to develop into the Maronite we know today. Contrast from the maronite to the Latin rite Interesting Facts Maronite's First Arrival Married Preist of the maronite rite Feast Days: Nativity (December 25) Epiphany (January 6) Saint Maron (February 9) Saint Joseph (March 19) Great Friday of the Crucifixion (movable) Easter Monday (Movable) Ascension of the Lord (40 days after Easter) Apostles Peter and Paul (June 29) Dormition of the Mother of God (August 15) All Saints (November 1) Immaculate Conception (December 8) Patronal Feast of the Parish

Holy Bible

Transcript: As Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Eziekiel, Daniel spoke of the "last days" -- the future around his time (or even possibly yet to come now) 1. Gabriel (an angel from heaven) told Daniel, "..the vision concerns the time of the end." 2."...Then Michael , one of the chief princes (i.e., of the heavenly army), came to help explain...the future, for the vision concerns a time yet to come.“ 3."At that time Michael...will arise...everyone whose name is found written in the Book -- will be delivered. Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt." 4."...until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge." Jesus selected his twelve disciples, who were: Simon (also called Peter) -- commercial fishermen Andrew (Peter's brother) -- commercial fisherman James (son of Zebedee) -- commercial fisherman John (son of Zebedee) -- commercial fisherman Philip Bartholomew Thomas Matthew -- tax collector James (son of Alphaeus) Thaddaeus Simon -- of the Zealot political party, wanting to overthrow the Romans Judus Iscariot -- who betrayed Jesus The "last days” Moses went to Pharaoh and requested that the Hebrews be allowed to worship God for three days in the wilderness. Pharoah did not allow this, so Moses had to demonstrate the power of God with miracles and finally plagues, such as frogs, flies, hail, and locusts. Finally, (Exodus 11) God told Moses that He would send the "Destroyer" to kill the firstborn. The Hebrews were instructed by Moses to kill a lamb and coat the sides and tops of their doorframes with the blood of the lamb, so that the "Destroyer" would pass over their home, hence the celebration thereafter of the Passover. Pharaoh let the Hebrews go, after their 430 years in Egypt. Moses took the bones of Joseph with him out of Egypt. (Genesis 2,3): God provided the Garden of Eden, telling Adam and Eve not to eat fruit from the Tree of Conscience, since it provided awareness of right and wrong, good and bad, and caused eventual death. A snake convinced Eve to eat the fruit. This act condemned mankind to die and womankind to have painful childbirth, because God's instructions were not followed. Daniel, analyzing a dream, foretold that King Nebuchadnezzar would go insane for seven years and eat "grass like the cows," after which his kingdom would be restored (Daniel 4). For another king (Belshazzar), Daniel read the writing on a plaster wall by a mysterious "hand," indicating that the king would be killed. Daniel described God's throne in a manner like Eziekiel, as fiery and on flaming wheels, with God having clothing white as snow and white hair with millions of angels. The Fiery Furnace (Daniel 3): When Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to worship a golden idol of King Nebuchadnezzar, they were thrown into a flaming furnace, yet were untouched due to God's deliverance. Presentation by Jonathan Perez Daniel Abraham's Personal Covenant with God Jesus Gets Baptized Passover GOAL! 1." like a Son of Man, coming with the clouds of heaven...He was given authority, glory and soverign power; all people, nations and men of every language worshiped Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and His kingdom is one that will never be destroyed." (Daniel 7:13-14). 2."After the sixty-two 'sevens' (i.e., a time of 434 years), the Anointed One will be cut off (i.e., killed) and will have nothing (i.e., will not have His kingdom)..." (Daniel 9:26). Holy Bible Moses An Angel of the Lord appeared to Moses as "flames of fire from within a bush." Then God told him to be the person to free the Hebrews from Egypt. The Lord insisted and told him to throw down his staff (i.e, shepherd's rod) onto the ground -- at which point it was turned into a snake. The Lord told Moses to put his hand into his cloak; it became "leprous, like snow" and then became all right when put into the cloak and withdrawn again. The Lord then told him that water would also be turned into blood. These things would allow the people in Egypt to know that Moses was indeed sent by God to them. God promised Abram (75 years old at the time -- possibly around 1900 B.C.) that He would cause him to be "the father of many nations." When Abram was 99 years old, God changed his name to Abraham (meaning Father of Nations) and changed his wife's name from Sarai to Sarah (meaning Princess). God told Abraham that He would give all the land of Canaan to Abraham and his children, forever. As part of the contract with God , Abraham was to circumcise every male (cutting off the foreskin of the penis) [Genesis 17: 10-12] on the eighth day after birth. God then told Abraham that he (at 100 years old) would have a son with his wife, Sarah (90 years old), and she gave birth to Isaac (meaning "he laughs"). A young shepherd, David, was brave, strong, and favored with the Lord. David played the harp for king Saul when Saul had the "Spirit from the Lord"

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