Health Behavior Change Project
- Challenges
- Finding the right time
- Working out in times of stress
- Adapting the "laziness" trait
- Self-efficacy intervention
- Strenuousness scale
- Peer support
- Athlete friends!
- Work-out buddy (Emily)
- Future studies
- College campuses --> does the demographic/health of the state mirror the physical health of students?
- Made a substantial change
- Currently in the action phase
- Make a significant, measurable change in the next 6 months
"Exercise Behavior Change through
Self-Efficacy Intervention and Contingency Contracts"
Zoe Andris
Results & Figures
- Purpose = combine Social Cognitive Theory with the Stages of Change Model (SCM) --> improve exercise self-efficacy and utilize contingency contracts
- Lack of exercise is common in U.S. adolescents and young adults
- Steep decline between 15-18 y.o., continues through age 21
- Lack of time and motivation; previous negative experiences
- Risks
- Interventions
- Wallace et al. (2000) & Sevick et al. (2000)
- Family and peer support
- Focus on improving exercise-self efficacy
CASE STUDY: 20-year-old female (preparation/determination stage)
- Fairly sedentary/lazy
- 2 previous attempts to incorporate physical activity into her lifestyle
- Last spring semester
- This past summer
Spring Break -- Miami Beach, FL
- Contingency contracts put into place
- Supportive, not disparaging (i.e. "have you worked out today?")
- Share new exercises
- Advice from a trainer
- Equal encouragement
- Discussed previous behaviors
Proposed Method: work out five times per week
- National Objectives = 30 mins. of moderate physical activity most days of the week; activities that enhance and maintain muscular strength, endurance and flexibility (Lowry, 2000).
- Tracked duration, activity and personal strenuousness scale (1 = very easy, 10 = very hard) through Microsoft Excel
- SELF-EFFICACY (peer support and strenuousness scale) & CONTINGENCY CONTRACTS (with parents during intervention)
- A-B-C format (baseline, "willpower," intervention)
- Came up with a doable, daily workout to fit my schedule
- 30-35 minutes -- elliptical
- 5-10 minutes -- abs
- 10 minutes -- weights (optional)
In Miami -- jogging on the beach, long walks (increased endurance and distance)