Prezi for sales pitches

Win more business with the perfect pitch




Sales departments live and breathe by their presentations.

Whether it’s a pitch, a kickoff, a quarterly report, or something in between, Prezi will help you engage your audience and keep them interested so you can close more deals, increase retention rates, and empower your team.

Conversational presenting

Slides, bullet points, and an overly rehearsed script don’t add up to an effective sales presentation. Prospects have their own agendas and high-maintenance attention spans, so it’s important to address their interests as quickly as possible. Prezi transforms a sales pitch presentation into a dialogue, so you can steer the conversation to a successful close.


You put too much time and effort into a pitch to only use it once. Make your presentation work for you during and after the meeting with Prezi analytics. You’ll get insight into who views your presentation, when they view it, and which parts interest them the most, so you can target your follow-ups with precision.

Visual storytelling

Why make your prospects or clients read a thousand words if you can just sum up your idea in a single picture? Prezi’s focus on visuals can help communicate the gist of your message faster than a bullet point or a paragraph on a slide.

Remote Presenting*

Delivering a sales pitch presentation to a prospect who isn’t in the same room has never been easier. With Prezi you can create your own password-protected virtual meeting room and host an HD remote presentation for anyone, anywhere.

*With Prezi Plus and above


Not sure where to start?

We have a number of sales templates and other resources to help: 


Prezi has been stuck in my mind since I first saw it five years ago. With staying power like that, it was the obvious choice for our client-facing presentations, where engagement and retention are crucial.

Alexandre Assis

Global Sales Director, Gelnex

The science of effective presentations

In a double-blind study of Prezi vs. PowerPoint, Prezi was found to be: 

More organized 

More engaging 

More persuasive

More Effective

It's time to reach the next level of presenting