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Vegetarian Presentation Template

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Vegetarian Presentation

Transcript: Vegetarian Presentation We feel that becoming a vegetarian is a personal choice. Either way you choose there are risks and benefits. Generally vegetarians are healthier because they are more aware of what is going into their bodies. Before you make your decision do yourown research and consult with your doctor to insure your total health. Our Opinion Why? Global Food Shortage: Raising cattle requires massive amounts of water that could be used elsewhere; more than that, the amount of grain grown to feed cattle could be used to feed starving nations. According to The Vegan Society, more than one-third of the grain grown worldwide is fed to animals. Imagine how many people those grains could feed. Benefits: Lack of : protein vitamin B-12 calcium Iron bone mineral density omega-3 fatty acids 1. Lower risk of lung and colorectal cancer. By: Annette and Lainey Risks: Benefits & Risks Ethical Reasons: Still other vegetarians and vegans choose to adopt a meatless lifestyle because they care for animals. Many people don't want to eat something that had to die just so they could be nourished. Environment: There are several ways in which a vegetarian (and especially a vegan) diet protects the environment. Excessive amounts of water are used in raising beef and other livestock, water that could be used for other purposes. 2. Prevention of Type 2 diabetes. Health: Many people choose to go vegetarian or vegan for the health benefits this lifestyle has to offer. While it is possible for a vegan to eat unhealthy foods such as eating foods made with trans fats or foods with sugar and salts. However most vegetarians have much healthier diets. 3. Healthy skin. 4. Chemical-free food. 5. Hormone-free eating. 6. Increased energy. 7. Lower blood pressure. 8. Improved digestion. 9. Lowered risk of diabetes. 10. Lower grocery shopping bills. 11. Toxin-free food. 12. Healthy amino acids. 13. Low or no saturated fat. 14. Increased life span. 15. Appreciation for simple flavors. 16. Healthy cholesterol levels. 17. Lower risk of cancer.

Vegetarian Presentation

Transcript: - Cholesterol is unique to animal cells. The body has a shortage of red blood cells, due to a lack of iron. Red blood cells carry oxygen and other essential compounds to cells. Non-meat sources of iron include spinach, kale, soybeans, and prunes. B-12 is important on the cellular level. It helps with DNA replication and cell division, and, to a smaller extent, cell development. Symptoms include confusion, sleeping limbs, sore mouth, weight loss, and pale/yellowish skin. Lack of B-12 can lead to a lack of red blood cells, because they cannot develop correctly. Zinc is crucial to the healing of injuries and immune system health. At the cellular level, zinc assists in DNA synthesis. Zinc can be found in seafood (oysters have a particularly high concentration), grains, nuts, and beans. Proteins are crucial to cellular function. Enzymes are composed of proteins, and the macro-molecule is essential to organ health. Calcium is crucial to bone, muscle, and nervous system health. Dairy is a well-known source of calcium. Calcium is also found in soy products, almonds, and dark, leafy greens. Disease Fighting Properties This can damage the nervous system. Blindness has been induced in severe cases. B-12 shortage has also been tentatively linked to osteoporosis. Protein Charring meat can create carcinogens on the surface. - less likely to smoke Non-vegan vegetarians tend not to have a problem with calcium deficiencies. Deficiencies There is also a decreased amount of cholesterol in the diet. Healthier Lifestyle Vegetarianism and an omnivore diet are as healthy as an individual wants. They can be equally healthy; all depends on what is eaten and how much. - exercise more Zinc Symptoms of zinc deficiency: "growth retardation. . . changes in taste acuity, delayed wound healing, decreased immunity and impaired cognitive functions." Plants are suspected to contain chemicals- known as phytochemicals- which may help prevent cancer. Conclusion A study of over 9,000 Australian women found the vegetarian portion had a "lower body mass index. . . and tended to exercise more." These include lentils, nuts, beans, peas, and edamame. Health Risks of Vegetarianism Vegetarianism Protein is found in multiple plants. Makes for a healthier heart and less chance of obesity. Zinc Meat. Meatmeatmeatmeatmeatmeat. Eating an excessive amount of meat results in unnecessary intake of fat, particularly saturated fat. Calcium Benefits of Vegetarianism Protein Vegan: consumes no animal products. At all. Lacto-vegetarians: will eat dairy products. Lacto-ovo vegetarians: will eat dairy and egg products. Especially red meat. Iron "The American Dietetic Association asserts vegetarians have a lower risk of being obese, diabetic, getting heart disease, certain cancers, and hypertension." Plants have high levels of antioxidants, which are suspected to prevent a number of diseases. Oklahoma State University found that vegetarians were more likely to avoid smoking, exercise, and generally lead a healthier life. Vegetarianism: Vegetarian is a broad classification. More exact definitions include: Vegetarians have an increased fiber and decreased saturated fat intake. Moderation is counseled as the best path to balancing the risks and benefits of eating meat. Vitamin B12 Can cause severe fatigue, vertigo, brittle fingernails, paleness, and a taste for dirt. Vitamin B-12 Therefore, ingesting plants can reduce vulnerability to illnesses such as Alzheimer's and various cancers. Meat provides high quantities of the nutrients just discussed. Vitamin B-12 The body cannot create Vitamin B-12; all of the substance comes from the diet. Iron Anemia Extreme weight loss, brittle hair, decreased healing rate, paleness, fatigue, and insomnia are all symptoms of protein deficiency. Vegetarians tend to have a healthier lifestyle. "Processed meats contain certain additives that in high quantities are believed to promote cancer.

Template Presentation

Transcript: Assessing the Maritime Students’ Perceptions and Preparedness of Coastal Resilience: A Descriptive Correlational Study BSMT SII-BRAVO (GROUP1) OBJECTIVES: The sole purpose of the descriptive correlational study is to investigate fundamental research inquiries through a comprehensive assessment of the level of awareness, perception, and readiness among maritime students about coastal resilience. The chapter presents the findings from the data gathered. The chapter is organized into themes that go along with the sub-themes obtained through thematic analysis which is also derived from the research questions. The result is hereby integrated with the information gathered from the interviews. To examine the extent of maritime students' awareness of coastal resilience and its importance. To investigate the opinions of maritime students regarding coastal hazards and theirpossible impact on many elements of maritime activity. To evaluate the preparedness of maritime students in implementing coastal resiliencemethods within their field focuses on assessing their readiness. To recommend practical suggestions for enhancing the education and training ofmaritime students within the framework of coastal resilience and monitoring systems. CONCLUSION: 1. The extent of maritime students' awareness of coastal resilience and its importance is very pivotal in achieving success. 2. The opinions of maritime students regarding coastal hazards and their possible impact on many elements of maritime activity differs from their educational backgrounds, views, opinions, and perspectives that can be seen from positive and negative statements. 3. The preparedness of maritime students in implementing coastal resilience methods within their field focuses on assessing their readiness. 4. The recommended practical suggestions for enhancing the education and training of maritime students within the framework of coastal resilience and monitoring systems will be a great leap towards total quality achievement. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. School administrators may support the development of practical suggestions for enhancing the education and training of maritime students within the framework of coastal resilience and monitoring systems. 2. Strengthen or maintain development programs for maritime students that nurture the development of their personal life and professional role. 3. The education and training of maritime students within the framework of coastal resilience and monitoring systems may be reviewed, refined, and later used to guide researchers. 4. Future researchers may use this study as a reference for further study on variables that were not explored in this study. This descriptive correlational study evaluated maritime students' views of and readiness for coastal resilience in order to prevent problems in the near future. The purpose of this study was to determine how good the maritime students were in understanding the ideas of coastal resilience and how equipped they were to handle issues that may arise along the coast. The findings showed that most of the participants had awareness and comprehension about the topic. While most of them also agreed that it is still dangerous for reducing the effects of climate change and natural disasters. Findings also revealed that there were differences in their level of practical readiness to deal with these problems since they differ from aspects as observed in their demographic profiles. This study which is a qualitative research provided themes and subthemes, through thematic analysis of the concept the focuses on the information and solicited opinions of the female participants. Findings from the data analysis have been organized by themes, with each theme referencing several sub themes and codes from the analysis

Presentation template

Transcript: Wisdom does not flow like water Plato’s Critique of Pederasty Pederasty Background Symposium Pederasty My Project Pausanias' Speech Pausanias' Speech Two Aphrodites Uranian Heavenly Pandemos Common Text Text Pictures Pictures "Here, Socrates, lie down alongside me, so that by my touching you, I too may enjoy the piece of wisdom that just occurred to you while you were in the porch. It is plain that you found it and have it, for otherwise you would not have come away beforehand." Agathon and Socrates “It would be a good thing, Agathon, if wisdom were the sort of thing that flows from the fuller of us into the emptier, just by our touching one another, as the water in wine cups flows through a wool thread from the fuller to the emptier. For if wisdom too is like that, then I set a high price on my being placed alongside you, for I believe I shall be filled from you with much fair wisdom. My own may turn out to be a sorry sort of wisdom, or disputable like a dream; but your own is brilliant and capable of much development, since it has flashed out so intensely from you while you are young; and yesterday it became conspicuous among more than thirty thousand Greek witnesses." "You are outrageous, Socrates," Agathon said. "A little later you and I will go to court about our wisdom, with Dionysus as judge, but now first attend to dinner." how water flows Principle at play When they do engage in a contest about love Timeline YEAR Alcibiades' Speech Socrates, he claims, is like “those silenuses that sit in the shops of herm sculptors, the ones that craftsman make holding reed pipes or flutes; and if they are split in two and opened up they show they have images of gods within.” (215b) Alcibiades' Speech You, in my opinion,' I said, 'have proved to be the only deserving lover of mine; and it seems to me that you hesitate to mention it to me. Now I am in this state: I believe it is very foolish not to gratify you in this or anything else of mine—my wealth or my friends—that you need; for nothing is more important to d me than that I become the best possible; and I believe that, as far as I am concerned, there is no one more competent than you to be a fellow helper to me in this. So I should be far more ashamed before men of good sense for not gratifying a man like you than I should be before the many and senseless for gratifying you.' Seduction Scene 'Really, my dear Alcibiades, you're no sucker if what you say about me is really true and there is some power in me e through which you could become better. You must see, you know, an impossible beauty in me, a beauty very different from the fairness of form in yourself. So if, in observing my beauty, you are trying to get a share in it and to exchange beauty for beauty, you are intending to get far the better deal. For you are trying to acquire the truth of beautiful things in exchange for the seeming and opinion of beautiful things; and you really have in mind to exchange "gold for bronze." But blessed one do consider better: Without your being aware of it—I may be nothing. Thought, you know, begins to have keen eyesight when the sight of the eyes starts to decline from its peak; and you are still far from that.' Conclusion conclusion If Socrates were to have sex with Alcibiades, he would perpetuate: 1) the idea that people can make each other wise. impact: prevent Alcibiades from realizing his ignorance about wisdom 2) Alcibiades belief that his physical attractiveness is the most important thing about him impact: the belief could harm Alcibiades as he begins to decline from his physical peak, when “Thought begins to have keen eyesight.” (219a) 3) Socrates would be no better than the sophists who cannot acknowledge the ways in which they are ignorant, and thus, risk self-deception. Advantages Advantages to my account: -Fits with the well-known picture of a Socrates who: 1) proclaims his own ignorance. 2) critiques the Sophists for i. both not acknowledging what they do not know ii. exchanging money for wisdom -Makes explicit the way Plato critiques the customs of his time -Throws into question a vision of Socrates as someone who consistently denies bodily urges -Makes clear that the container model is supposed to function in opposition to the image of pregnancy and birth. Accounts of “Plato’s Appropriation of Reproduction” run these two images together.

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