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Medical Student Presentation Template

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Medical student

Transcript: Is a psychological disorder. It's when you become convinced that you have whatever terrible disease that you're studying. THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Medicalstudentitis Jessica McPherson * Although some might consider medical school syndrome trivial, even comical, mental health experts insist it's no joke. Imagined health problems can cause real anxiety. The first symptom Jessica McPherson noticed was a weakness in her arms. Then her muscles began to twitch. She feared the worst, suspecting it might be amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a fatal neurological disorder also known as Lou Gehrig disease. Alexa Soriano * She was in her first-year at the University of Otawa. Now we eat badly, sleep badly and spend our time cramming our heads full of horrible diseases that happened to unsuspecting people. Gisell Loza Looking back, she can find humour in the incident but her fears were very real at the time. She was 27 years old She believes the stress of moving to a new city and the exhaustion that comes with intense study contributed to her episode, along with the sudden immersion into the academics of biology and disease. Medical student syndrome Vanessa Velázquez * Boston neurologist Dr. George Lincoln Walton described the condition in his 1908 book Why Worry? “Medical instructors are continually consulted by students who fear that they have the diseases they are studying … The mere knowledge of the location of the appendix transforms the most harmless sensations in that region into symptoms of serious menace.” Yamili Medrano She had never even heard of medical school syndrome. Appendicitis, apparently, is one of the more common complaints. Students learn, for the first time, the exact location of the appendix and suddenly an innocent stomach pain will turn into an inflamed appendix. Bibliography

Medical Student Educational Presentation

Transcript: Marijuana in Maryland State vs. Federal Laws Loopholes Healthcare Professional Roles State vs. Federal Laws State: -2014: HB 881 legalized medical marijuana -2014: SB 364 decriminalized the possession of small amount of marijuana >10 g -("Maryland Marijuana Laws," 2020) Federal: -The use, sale, and possession of marijuana is illegal and considered a federal crime -Medical and recreational use of marijuana is federally prohibited -(Gray, 2021) Federal: -2018: Farm Bill legalized hemp-derived the manufacture, possession and sale of CBD products in the United States -However, CBD products must not contain more than 0.03% THC -("Maryland Marijuana Laws," 2020) Although marijuana remains federally prohibited, under the 10th Amendment, the government cannot "force a state to criminalize an act under state law", thus providing states a loophole around the marijuana prohibition ("Cannabis: Prevalence of Use, Regulation, and Current Policy Landscape," 2017, p. 61) State: -It is legal to use, buy, and possess CBD and CBD products in MD -Medical approval is not necessary for CBD use, however it must contain >0.3% THC -2016: HB 443 allows licensed growers to cultivate hemp -("Maryland Marijuana Laws," 2020) Reference: National Academies of Sciences, E. and M., Health and Medicine Division, Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice, & Committee on the Health Effects of Marijuana: An Evidence Review and Research Agenda. (2017). The Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids : The Current State of Evidence and Recommendations for Research. National Academies Press. Background Information Healthcare Professional Roles State vs. Federal Laws Federal: -The use and possession of marijuana, medical or recreational, is federally prohibited under the CSA -Prescribing medical cannabis is illegal under federal law. -(Gray, 2021) Marijuana is federally illegal under the CSA and is currently classified as a Schedule I drug meaning: -It is considered one of the most dangerous substances -It does not have accepted medical value -It has high potential for abuse -It is considered unsafe, even under medical conditions State: -2014: HB 881 authorizes certified physicians to provide patients with a written certification for medicinal marijuana, allowing up to 120 grams of possession -Patients must also register through their state's program, the Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission (MMCC) -("Maryland Marijuana Laws," 2020) References Reference: National Academies of Sciences, E. and M., Health and Medicine Division, Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice, & Committee on the Health Effects of Marijuana: An Evidence Review and Research Agenda. (2017). The Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids : The Current State of Evidence and Recommendations for Research. National Academies Press. Gray, G. (2021, August 30). Federal taxation of cannabis: A primer. American Action Forum. Retrieved September 17, 2021, from Maryland marijuana laws. Medical Marijuana, Inc. (2020, April 5). Retrieved September 17, 2021, from Riley, E. (2019, December 14). Strapped: Most medical marijuana businesses operate as cash-only due to federal laws. Post. Retrieved September 17, 2021, from Commercial Cannabis Business State vs. Federal Laws State: -Medical marijuana businesses are legal in MD. However, many challenged are presented such as: Lack of access to bank loans - only 3 willing to provide services in MD Still required to pay federal taxes Cannot claim commons deductible expenses -(Riley, 2019) Federal vs. State Cannabis Laws in Maryland Federal: -Prohibits the sale and distribution of marijuana, yet medical dispensaries are still required to pay taxes -The Bank Security Act (BSA) requires banks to report any suspected illegal activity, such as marijuana businesses -Additionally, since federal law regulates banks and the federal law classifies marijuana as a Schedule I drug, it is extremely risky to work with marijuana-related businesses -(Gray, 2021)

Medical Student Educational Presentation

Transcript: Florida's Cannabis Laws Cana Carisse MCST 601 Medical Cannabis is Recommended in Florida Florida Medical Cannabis With a legal recommendation from a physician, Floridians can purchase medical cannabis from state licensed dispensaries. 1 Subtopic 1 70 Day Supply Only Patients Can Possess Up to 4 Ounces Benefits Outweigh the Risks Federal Government Regulates Through CSA Federal Medical Cannabis The Controlled Substance Act (CSA) states there is no difference between recreational and medical cannabis usage.2 Subtopic 2 Treated like cocaine and heroin Pictures Schedule I Drug Can't Prescribe Florida's Decriminalization Starting in 2015, some Florida counties and cities have passed legislation to decriminalize cannabis.3 Florida Decriminalization 14 Counties in Florida Alachua County Broward County Cocoa Beach Hallandale Beach Key West Miami Beach Miami-Dade County Orlando Osceola County Palm Beach County Port Richey Tampa Volusia County West Palm Beach County Ranging Penalties from None to $155 Fine Federal Government Has not Decriminalized Federal Decriminalization Federal cannabis laws are still extremely steep.2 5 Year Mandatory Minimum Sentence for 100 Plants or 100kgs Mandatory Minimums 10 Year Minimum if Previous Felony 10 year Minimum for 1,000 Plants or 1,000kgs Sources Sources 1. Florida Medical Marijuana Law. NORML. Published August 27, 2020. Accessed September 14, 2020. 2. Federal Marijuana Law. Americans for Safe Access. Accessed September 14, 2020. 3. Florida Local Decriminalization. NORML. Published June 19, 2020. Accessed September 14, 2020.

Medical Student Presentation

Transcript: C. Hyperlipidemia: - Treat underlying process - Statins D. Hypercoagulability: - In setting of thrombosis- heparin w/ warfarin as long as pt is nephrotic E. Edema: - Dietary Salt restriction= ~2g Na per day - Loop diuretics BUN/cr = 48/3.21 (up from 23/1.13) Spot Prot/cr = 10.07 GFR = 17 (down from 60) A1c= 9.5 (down from 11.1) Albumin = 2.7 ( down from 3.2) Lipid panel= Tchol 241, Trig 515, LDL 138 C/S x2 w/ D&C LEEP Right CTR Laser surgery O.U. Vitrectomy R eye 1/08~R breast biopsy, Below-the-knee amputation of R leg Cataract surgery left eye 6/2013 Carpal tunnel release, R 2002, L 2011 Trigger finger release L hand 2012 Right LE angioplasty, 2012 Right knee w/ multiple I&D 2007 DMII Diabetic retinopathy Diabetic neuropathy HTN HLD Chronic Dry eye Macular degeneration NASH Diagnosis PSH Etiologies Conclusion Labs Soc Hx PMH - 20 pack year, quit 3 yrs ago - denies EtOH/recreational drug use - Lives @ home w/ spouse/child - Functional status: able to walk & do IADLs, however unable to do so recently with SOB ROS: Gen: no fevers/chills/weight change HEENT: no blurry vision CV: no Chest pain/pillow orthopnea, +occasional palpitations Resp: no Cough GI: + "crampy" abd pain/decreased appetite GU: + urinary frequency, + "frothy" urine MSK: no jt pain/muscle pain Management A. Glucocorticoids - Minimal Change- prednisolone 60 mg/day x4-8 weeks - FSGS- Prednisone 1-2 mg/kg qdaily - MGN- Prednisolone + Cyclophosphamide B. Proteinuria: - ACE-I/ARB: lower intraglomerular pressure - Protein Restriction: may slow disease progression, but evidence unclear Meds - most common pathology identified in pts w/ ESRD - can be primary or secondary 1) Primary: segmental areas of mesangial collapse & sclerosis in some, but not all, glomeruli (hence the name focal) 2) Secondary: Glomerular cell proliferation, macrophage infiltration, & progressive accumulation of extracellular matrix components References: Overview of heavy proteinuria and the nephrotic syndrome. Uptodate Nephrotic Aspart 30 units SQ qDaily Detimir Zofran Metoclopramide Telmisartan Wellbutrin Ezetimide/Simvastatin Amlodipine Vitamin D - Hypoalbuminemia - Heavy proteinuria (>3.5g/24 hrs) - Lipiduria - Hyperlipidemia - Peripheral edema - Hypercoagulability - Pathogenesis: decrease of oncotic pressure, due to loss of protein to the urine -> Third spacing of fluid Diabetic Nephropathy Nephrotic Syndrome - Nephrotic Syndrome is a constellation of proteinuria, mostly albuminuria, (almost always > 3.5 to 4.0 g/day & occasionally more than 15 to 20 g/day), weight gain & then edema, and, on laboratory testing, hypoalbuminemia (serum albumin that may be less than 1.5 to 2.0 g/dL), and in most cases hyperlipidemia - Diagnosis involves renal biopsy - Most common causes: Minimal change Dz, FSGS, MGN and Diabetic Nephropathy - Steroids are usually the initial choice for management Membranous GlomeruloNephritis (MGN) - 24 Hr urine collection: should be < 150 mg/day OR - protein/creatinine ratio on random urine - Serologic studies: 1) Anti-nuclear antibodies 2) Complement (C3/C4 & total hemolytic complement) 3) Serum free light chains/UPEP 4) Syphilis serology 5) Hep serologies 6) Cryoglobulin measurements - Percutaneous Renal Biopsy: standard procedure for determing cause of proteinuria - most common cause of nephrotic syndrome in children - Podopathy: foot process effacement (Fusion) on EM Pitting Edema - mesangial expansion glomerular membrane thickening and glomerular sclerosis - Kimmelstiel-Wilson Lesion: associated w/ hyaline deposits in the glomerular arterioles Patient Presentation Management - basement membrane thickening w/ little or no cellular proliferation or infiltration + presence of electron dense deposits across the GBM Focal Segmental GlomeruloSclerosis BP 201/115 T 97.6 HR 97 RR 18 O2 Sat 99% RA Gen: Obese, Caucasian F in NAD HEENT: AT, PERRL, EOMI, MMM/P Lungs: CTAB, no w/r/r Heart: Tachycardic w/ regular rhythm, no m/r/g Abd: Soft, ND/NT, +Bowel Sounds x4, no peritoneal signs or palpable masses Extr: R BKA amputation. L leg 2+ peripheral edema all the way to the knee. No edema present on amputated extremity 1) Minimal Change Disease 2) Focal Segmental Glomerular Sclerosis 3) Membranous Glomerulonephritis 4) Diabetic Nephropathy 5) Others: Fabry's... HPI: 43 YO F w/ h/o uncontrolled DMII, BKA, HTN, HLD presents to the medicine clinic for routine visit c/o Nausea/LE edema/Shortness of breath x1 month. Also c/o a previous headache that is worse at presentation. Previously seen in clinic for same complaints; tried Zofran and reglan w/o palliation. Physical Exam Minimal Change Disease

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