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Transcript: Zoom out for more assets Asset library Task 11 Quickly outline this task Task 4 Quickly outline this task here Task 12 Task 6 Task 5 Use words or pictures to drive your point home Cover the main point of this task here Write a message or quote Task 3 Task 10 Quickly outline this task here Include a relevant quote or statistic Provide a short overview of this task Write a message or quote Expand on your earlier points here Task 7 Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 About Me My name is Ally Henry, and I am a Junior at Western Kentucky University. I am double majoring in Elementary and Special Education, and minoring in Social Work. The reasons I am going into teaching and picked Quality Education as my global goal! I am the oldest of 5 kids (biological and half-siblings). Two of my siblings utilize special education services every day in their school routines, so that's why I am double majoring and entering the field of education! I ultimately want to teach K-2 because my siblings taught me how amazing that age of students is, but I would love to try many roles in my career. Task 8 Tyson- Age 14 Nora- Age 8 Mia- Age 6 Cameron- Age 7 Quality Education Put an important number or point here Explain the importance of the last part here What is quality education? It means to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. A Education liberates the intellect, unlocks the imagination and is fundamental for self-respect. It is the key to prosperity and opens a world of opportunities, making it possible for each of us to contribute to a progressive, healthy society. Learning benefits every human being and should be available to all. B Task 9 Task 13 Quickly go over your point here C Highlight the key takeaway from this task The targets: Free primary and secondary education Equal access to quality pre-primary education Equal access to affordable technical, vocational, and higher education Increase the number of people with relevant skills for financial success Eliminate all discrimination in education Universal literacy and numeracy Education for sustainable development and global citizenship Build and upgrade inclusive and safe schools Expand higher education scholarships for developing countries Increase the supplu of qualified teachers in developing countries

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