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Blue Sky Powerpoint Template

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Blue sky

Transcript: All the school here would not give homework because all the work will be in school and next to finish class , children will do a sport, something cultural and learn a new language (it is opcional). 4° Article 10° Article All people have to take cover somewhere before the final bell ring, if a person is walking outside after that time, he/she will be considered as if were doing improper things and will be led with the Council of Elder's building. If the person doesn't present sufficient reasons, he/she will be punished. 9° Article If you are a woman your groom would be taller or the same height than you. And if you are a man your bride would be smaller than you. This is for ensure the security of the future community and the good distribution of couples. All the people who have lost someone who was related by blood ties, either by an accident, a disease, beasts, or any other situation must be rewarded. The Council of Elder's building is going to analyze the compensation depending of each situation. Exceptions: if a person didn't has any parent with blood tie, but he or she had a tutor and he/she died, this person must be rewarded too. 11° Article 7° Article Everyone that lives here would have a pet, it could be a cat, a dog, a hamster or any animal you prefer, but it can not be an insect or something related with. It will help for the order and education of children, the obligation of see for other living thing, the learning of be clean, responsibility and have the most loyal friend in the world. 5° Article 1° Article 2° Article 6° Article All the boys and men would have short hair and slicked up it, for uniform the society, the cleaning and avoid the green sickness of the head (men or boy with long hair will have green hair next it will disappear and finally the face will be always green and in a few days, he will die) .And all the girls and women would have short hair (to the shoulder) or long hair (to half of the back) for issues of clean and appearance. Our society will be order, clean and all the people here is good - looking. Every weekend would be of three days to rest well, do the house and coexist with the family and friends. This is for ensure the specie, the order of society and the good production of it. All people have to respect work of others. It doesn't matter the sex, age, or what kind of person is. If someone is caught stealing the work of others, missing the respect or doing something that he/she shouldn't be doing, that person will be punished. These laws were created to bring peace, order and harmony to society of “Blue sky”, they will protect the rights and obligations of every single person in this village which has a dictatorial regime and a council of elders. They have to be fulfilled for all the society if someone does not follow it, he or she will be punished by the council of elders, in the worst case he or she will be abandoned in the desert. Each week, when the bell indicates the end of the day, all people must show to the custodian their work of that day. The person who doesn't show his or her work of the day, should go with the Council of Elder's building to present his/her reasons. If the reasons are not accepted by the Council, this person must double work the next week and show his/her results to the custodian. If he/she doesn't present good results again, consequences will be taken by the Council. FONTS Blue sky 3° Article 8° Article All people in the village, regardless of race, color, age or sex, each Sunday, at 8:00 am must get out of their homes, breath deeply, and extend their hands in sign of gratitude for the end of another week of life. To any person who is caught not doing this ritual, will be taken to the Council of Elder's building, to carry out his or her sentence. A bell is going to sound to give the signal. Exceptions: if the person has a disease, or any reasonable situation that could hamper the ritual, the law can be omitted.

Blue Sky

Transcript: Black and white jean shorts $35 White high waisted shorts with natural aztec fabric top $32 Comfy All Natural Cotton Dresses Blue Sky Black all natural cotton comfy shorts $18 Organic Cotton Shorts To make our clothes we use all natural fabrics and cotton. We use only natural dyes that are good for the environment. When making our jean shorts we use only reusable jean materials. Our summer 2015 lines goal is to make very comfy and stylish items that all teenagers would love. We try our best to make clothes that are good for the environment while making them stylish. We have all different clothing styles made for teenagers. Everything we make is better for the environment then products from other stores. We have a store that we just opened in SoHo which is in New York City. We have sales and special offers very often. Natural blue denim shorts with lace bottom $40 Open back dress made with natural materials and dyes $35 We are a company that's goal is to help the environment by making clothes with organic and all natural materials including dyes and fabrics Presented By Sydney Avrick Our Company FOLLOW US @BlueSky Criss cross back dress made from all natural cotton $35 Jean shorts -Made From Reused Denim Jean shorts dyed with all natural dye with organic aztec fabric $45 CLOTHING THAT IS ALL NATURAL AND ORGANIC FOR YOU Flowy patterned dress made from organic cotton and natural dye $35 Located in SoHo New York City Follow us on instagram and twitter for a 15% discount off of your entire purchase Also if you spent over $125 you get 20% off your next purchase Cotton Aztec shorts with pom poms $28 Blue Sky Target Market

Blue sky

Transcript: Blue sky -Cannibalization Blue Sky air conditioning company is British establishment that has nine companies operating within. It is mainly specialized in cooling and heating systems . Blue Sky Co. has been successfully operating for thirteen years and known with their after sales service and warranty duration (3-5 years after purchase). -Profitability index -IRR long - term Dept preferred stock common stock equity Retained Earnings Total Source of capital • Initial investment of project (cash outflow) was calculated by the CIF method. • Networking Capital is a certain percentage (10%) . • Cannibalization impacted the initial cash outflow and sales of new product in both markets within the first two years post launch. • After launching the new air conditioning line, existing products • Operating cash flows total revenues have increased after cannibalization (year 3 onwards). • Machinery deprecation was calculated manually based on the information given • Variable costs have been reduced by $50.00 Recommendations and Justifications The company pays a nominal interest rate on its loans of 11% • Liquidate existing product as soon as we launch the new product, and sell it for its scrap value in order to benefit from its remaining value. • Focus production on the New Users Market as it has a higher sales value. • Establish a merger (horizontal or vertical) with an establishment that aims to sell and produce the same product. • Enforce Keep a lid on debt strategy in order to increase funds. Done by : Aziza Saleh Ibtisam Aldarwesh Safia Nawab Tala Amoudi -Wacc Analysis -Npv Options Capital Structure Total market value Analysis • Proceed with proposed investment as it has proven to result in maximizing profits. • Establishing a merger will minimize risk in terms of reducing tax rates and increasing debt financing, in addition to constructing a marketing campaign that will result in higher sales. Moreover a merger will allow a company to make efficient use of other company’s resources, and surplus to reinvest within. • Enforcing the Keep a lid on debt strategy, which offers a portion of the company to investors in exchange of fund. Thus funds will be used to finance company operations. • Fixed costs were not impacted by introduction of new air conditioning line. • The weighted average cost of capital (WACC) of the investment was influenced with the inflation rate and the capital structure of the company. • The net present value (NPV) was a positive return that resulted a greater value than zero thus accepting the project. • The calculated internal rate of return (IRR) value is more than the value of WACC henceforth accepting the project. • The new air conditioning line proved to be a lucrative investment with a profitability index (PI) with a higher value than zero. -Expand its sales span, -launch new air-conditioning line -markets; New Users Market & Replacement Market -immediate cash investment of 49,990,640. -The New Users Market : 40,000 units at 600$ per unit, -The Replacement Market 30,000 units at 700$ per unit. - Sales drop in the existing product by 5,000 units after launch -The prices are influenced by the inflation rate (3%) and the spread over rate (1%) -Evaluate the project and recommend weather to proceed or not. 30% 10% 40% 20% 100%

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