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Agenda In Powerpoint Template

Create your presentation by reusing a template from our community or transition your PowerPoint deck into a visually compelling Prezi presentation.

Preparing a PowerPoint Presentation

Transcript: Preparing a PowerPoint Presentation How to make a PowerPoint Slides How to make a PowerPoint Slides Open Microsoft PowerPoint. If a page with templates doesn't automatically open, go to "File" at the top left of your screen and click "New Presentation". To use a template, either click the "Design" tab or go to "File" again and click "New from Template". Insert a new slide by clicking on the "Home" tab and then the "New Slide" button. Consider what content you want to put on the slide, including heading, text, and imagery. Keep the amount of text under 6-8 lines (or 30 words) at a minimum of size 24 pt. Add images by clicking "Insert" and clicking the "Picture" icon. Add other elements by using features in the "Home" and "Insert" tabs on the top ribbon. Play around with the layout by dragging elements around with your mouse. How to Make a PowerPoint Presentation How to make a PowerPoint Presentation Open a blank presentation again or start from one you've already created. Open a blank presentation again or start from one you've already created. Choose a "theme" or create your own. Choose a "theme" or create your own. Create a variety of slides for different purposes. Create a variety of slides for different purposes. A Title Slide A Title Slide An agenda or table of contents slide An agenda or table of contents slide A slide that introduces the speaker A slide that introduces the speaker Various content slides Various content slides Use the Duplicate Slides feature to save you time. Use the Duplicate Slides feature to save you time. Add transitions to your slides (optional). Add transitions to your slides (optional). Add animations to your slides (optional). Add animations to your slides (optional). Save your presentation. Example 2 Save your presentation. Example 2 Run your presentation. Run your presentation. Advance the slides. Advance the slides. PowerPoint Presentation Tips PowerPoint Presentation Tips Don't let PowerPoint decide how you use PowerPoint. Don't let PowerPoint decide how you use PowerPoint. Create custom slide sizes. Create custom slide sizes. Write text with your audience in mind. Write text with your audience in mind. Make sure all of your objects are properly aligned. Make sure all of your objects are properly aligned. Use "Format Menus" to better control your objects' designs. Use "Format Menus" to better control your objects' designs. Take advantage of PowerPoint's shapes. Take advantage of PowerPoint's shapes. Create custom shapes. Create custom shapes. Crop images into custom shapes. Crop images into custom shapes. NEXT PowerPoint Presentation Tips Present websites within PowerPoint. Present websites within PowerPoint. Try Using GIFs. Try Using GIFs. Keep it simple. Keep it simple. Embed your font files. Embed your font files. Save your slides as JPEGs. Save your slides as JPEGs. Embed multimedia. Embed multimedia. Bring your own hardware. Bring your own hardware. Edit your slide template design. Edit your slide template design. Make your own PowerPoint Presentation Homework

Powerpoint in Public

Transcript: Notes allow people to go back and review the info without you! (It also is a great way to rehearse!) Start on time! Public End on Time! Computer Wiz? Need some extra arms? Which key does what? ! Audience interaction? Up Periscope! Here are some tips which can help!!! Questions? D+45 Strengths Hi, I'm you say you'd like to become a real Powerpoint Pro? I can help! Presentation Format A Solution There are many facets to an effective presentation. Three really apply to us: Content Delivery Audience Participation Content is the keel Powerpoint in Projections Start on Time Know your stuff Have the presentation ready Links that work Nice short bullets Highlight the important stuff Use the Notes Hostile Audience BAD CONTENT Jacked up slides Distracting Animation Timeline Weaknesses Setup in room Start on Time, End on Time Speak FOR your audience DO NOT READ THE SLIDE Standardized slide formats Completed notes boxes Did I mention: Start on Time? Keyboard Shortcuts: F5 vs. Shift-F5 Arrow, Page, Space, or Mouse? Home, Number or End? W(hite) or B(lack) screen? Alt-Tab to switch between presentations! D-60 D-15 Reading the slides Too many fonts Poor graphics Unreadable Colors Investigating Rabbit Holes Much of the impact of your great content can be ruined if you look like a hack when you're setting up the brief in front of an audience... Problem Threats D-00 Our biz is of our tools is Powerpoint...This presentation offers some great ways to improve the delivery of their presentation to enhance the learning experience of the classroom or lecture attendees. A good presentation S.W.O.T. Verify Version No more mice! Shift-F5 takes you into presentation mode on the current slide. F5 starts at the beginning. Alt-Tab: Hold down the ALT key and press tab to cycle through all the open apps to the next presentation (which should already be in Slideshow mode) Opportunities Delivery is the hull Presentation is the focus? Information to be shared? Advancing slides? Easy! You can press the: Space Bar Arrow Key Page Down or the Mouse if you insist. Need to go to a specific slide? Just type the slide number and hit ENTER. Executive Summary

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