The number 100! (pronounced aloud as “one hundred factorial”) is the number produced when all the whole numbers from 1 to 100 are multiplied together.
That is, 100! = 1 × 2 × 3 × … × 99 × 100.
When this number is calculated and written out in full, how many zeroes are on the end?
One Hundred Factorial:
Playful and Joyful Maths
David Butler
Maths Learning Centre, University of Adelaide
Joy is happiness that you know can't be taken away
Play is trying out ideas inspired by your curiosity
... because it belongs completely to you
and at the same time is bigger than you.
... and being absorbed
in the experience.
One place it happens in maths is when you're in a situation rich with possibilities and you have the chance to choose your goal and explore.
One place it happens in maths is when you realise things fit together in ways you could never have predicted, and yet you feel it couldn't have fit any other way.
What happens at
One Hundred Factorial
General principles
Words and Actions
It's always ok to...
The end is not the end
The goal is not the goal
How I know the end is not the end:
- We ask if there's another way to do it
- We make connections to other things
- We make something new out of the result
- We ask "What would happen if... ?"
How I know the goal is not the goal:
- We ask if there's another way to do it
- We stop when we're satisfied, even if we haven't reached the "goal"
- We ignore the "goal" and ask our own question about the situation
- We're quite happy without a "goal"
- ... grab a marker
- ... say you don't understand
- ... ask someone to explain their thinking
- ... try out half-formed thinking
- ... just watch
- ... hive off to have a go on your own
- ... ask someone to say what's happened so far
- ... express delight loudly
- ... draw pictures, make a model, be the model
- ... say you still don't understand
- ... stop and make a new notation
- ... try a different way
- ... move the conversation in a new direction
- ... play!
...there is only running out of time
- Learning something
- Making or seeing something beautiful
- Understanding someone's thinking
- Sharing joy together
Experience it
for yourself!
To the Dining Hall!