In my video I gathered clips from different raves, parties, gig and festivals
to show the sort of atmosphere and vibe I want to have for my magazine.
The video shows the target audience I am going to use. Also it shows the different charactersistics, fashion and music they listen to. Also when it flickers through the pictures they are the sort of images I want to take for my magazine and the style and fashion sense.
These images are inspirational
and types of images I would like to
use in my magazine ,
they all vary in different
ways but they all have
something that makes them
stand out.
The Video
This fashion/style moodboard shows me the dress sense
of the genders, again this is the types I want to use and feature in my
Boys + girls
A lot of images the boys are in a very simplistic
costume/ dress sense, they are often seen in a plain top
with statements on their tops or check shirts. Also a lot of them are wearing
flatcaps/snapbacks this shows this is popular in the social group.
For the girls there are two types, either simplistic
and innocent or full out rebellious, sexy and individual.