Tools of Engagement:
On-demand Discovery Learning Professional Development
TOEP is currently supported through a partnership with the
SUNY Center for Professional Development (CPD),
University at Buffalo, Binghamton University & local campus fees
TOEP was originally funded through a
SUNY Innovative Instructional Technology Grant (IITG)
Project Leads:
Roberta (Robin) Sullivan - University at Buffalo
Cherie van Putten - Binghamton University
Chris Price - SUNY CPD
IITG Principal Investigator and Co-PIs:
Roberta (Robin) Sullivan - University at Buffalo
Nathan Whitley-Grassi - Empire State College
Kathleen Gradel - SUNY Fredonia
Susan Jaworski - Buffalo State College
Cindi Tysick - University at Buffalo
Cherie van Putten - Binghamton University
Beth Burns - Finger Lakes Community College
Shufang Shi - SUNY Cortland
Lisa Raposo - SUNY CPD
Instructional technologies are constantly evolving and changing the way students and faculty collaborate, communicate and share information
In today’s society it's essential
to effectively navigate vast
amounts of information
Familiarity with collaborative Web 2.0 skills is essential
To keep pace with inevitable technological changes we must learn to be
Self-directed and life long learners
What is TOEP?
- On-demand professional development
- Set of web-based discovery learning activities
- Not an online course but instead provides access to resources to explore at your own pace
Discovery Activities
Personally document progress and reflect on discoveries in the TOEP Google+ Community.
Watch an introductory video:
- Objective - encourage faculty & staff to explore and reflect on the use of new instructional technologies to use in teaching.
- Upon completion, participants will be able to:
Introductory video - length 1 1/2 min.
- Apply practical knowledge regarding innovative & creative uses of freely available online tools.
TOEP encourages a learning community
- ALL faculty & staff from TOEP participating campuses
( * See TOEP website for a current participating campuses. * )
Includes faculty, staff, adjunct faculty, librarians, Teaching/Graduate Assistants, doctoral candidates, and post-doctoral researchers
Incentives awarded through
an online peer-review process:
- Register for TOEP
- We'll then send you a link to a survey
Your anonymous responses will
contribute to an understanding
about effective professional development
- Explore the resources
- Complete Discovery Activities
- Reflect in online discussions how these tools might be used
- Regularly comment on your colleague's posts
- A post-survey will be sent at conclusion of this Phase
- Badges (Quest, Mastery, & Community)
- Eligible for Professional Development Awards ($300 value - issued using SUNY CPD Points)
- Other incentives include iTunes gift cards
Licensed under Creative Commons
Created for The Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenberg County by Helene Blowers
- Registration is open
- Posts entered in to the TOEP Community after Phase 4 launches are counted toward potential award incentives.
- Phase 5 launches October 17, 2016
- Registration deadline to be considered for incentives Feb. 14, 2017
- Activities must be completed by April 4, 2017
Project evolution
Want to learn more?
UB students participated in this activity for
LIS 506 - Introduction to Information Technology
Department of Library and Information Studies
Check out the TOEP website:
Contact the SUNY TOEP Team:
What the research says
- Significant trends in learning:
- Many learners will move into a variety of different, possibly unrelated fields over the course of their lifetime.
- Informal learning is a significant aspect of learning.
- Learning is a continual process, lasting for a lifetime.
George Siemens
Thomas P. Mackey and Trudi E. Jacobson
Ross Dawson
- Transliteracy - Ability to read, write, and communicate
- across multiple platforms.
- Metaliteracy - Metacognitive approach that combines multiple literacies in an integrated framework with an emphasis on producing and sharing information
- Building Success in a Connected World
Dawson, Ross, May 12, and 2011 at 12:41 Pm. “Keynote Slides: Building Success in a Connected World.” Trends in the Living Networks. Web. 27 Sept. 2013. Retrieved from:
Mackey, T. P., & Jacobson, T. E. (2011). Reframing information literacy as a metaliteracy. College & Research Libraries, 72(1), 62-78. Retrieved from:
Siemens, George. "Connectivism: A learning theory for the digital age."International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning 2.1 (2005): 3-10. Retrieved from:
Sullivan, R., Burns, B., Gradel, K., Shi, S., Tysick, C., van Putten, C.. Tools of Engagement Project (TOEP): On-demand Discovery Learning Professional Development. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 41(3). Retrieved from:
TOEP: giving you the power to engage,
interact, & collaborate in the digital world