Bridget Ajemian's Sensory Preference Self Test
Best Tools
- computers
- games
- multimedia
- books
- tape recorders
- lecture
Popular Careers
- reading
- writing
- word games
- writing poetry
- telling stories
- teacher (!)
- lawyer
- writer
- news correspondent
- poet
- publicist
- psychologist
- speech pathologist
- editor
My Top Result
To Study
Reading/Writing Exemplars
Reading and Writing
(4 answers)
Grades 4 - 5:
- Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
- Fog by Carl Sandburg
- Telescopes by Colin A. Ronan
- flashcards
- list
- charts
- identify key words that you can associate with details
- reread your notes and summarize them in writing
- answer in writing practice questions
During Exams
To Process Material
- read
- take notes
- organize material on paper
- organize material on computers
- create outlines
- type text
Try to:
- use key words to lead you to more complete answers
- write out information you want to remember and use at the beginning of the test
- write a thesis, then an outline before answering an essay question
- organize information in a matrix
In Class
Try to:
- write lists and headings
- take complete notes
- read along
- rewrite important information