Thank you for your attention!
i chose a magazine focusing on working class aimed at females aged from 14-25 and decided to create a pop magazine for my final product.
The main age for my media product is female teenagers however, my magazine does have a secondary age of older females. I have made my magazine look more sophisticated and therefore i think it appeals to an older audience.
Social class
Who would be the audience for your media product?
I have aimed my magazine at working class audience. The price of my magazine i reasonable and affordable. From my research found the majority of people get £5 a week. My magazine being a weekly magazine it fits the price range well. Also people said they are will to pay up to £2,50 for a magazine and pricing my magazine at £1.95 is cheaper than the expected cost meaning more people would buy my magazine.
My magazine is focused on pop genre. I handed out a questionnaire to see the most popular taste in music and interests. My results showed as pop being the best music. As i chose to do this for my magazine i then looked further into colour and house style to fit my magazine.