Chapter 1
Paul is pleased with their progress in the faith (3) and his relationship with them (9)
Chapter 2
The work will never be in vain (1). Until Christ comes, we need to walk worthy (12), according to the Word (13).
Chapter 3
The key to life is knowing/seeing others stand fast in the Lord (8)
Chapter 4
You were called to be holy (7), so live like it! Oh, and mind your own business (11) so that you will be with the Lord (14).
Chapter 5
The Lord's return will be sudden (2), so stay away from evil (22).
- So keep your eyes on the prize
- Endure
- Keep on keepin' on
Thinking Thru Thessalonians
"He who calls you is Faithful!" (5:24)
Book Overview:
- Paul went to Thessalonica around 50-51 AD - Acts 17:1-9
- preached in synagogue for three "Sabbaths" - 17:2
- Paul returned to Macedonia (Ac 20:1, 2); may have visited
- Paul wanted to know about the church there, so he sent Timothy from Athens to visit them (3:1-7)
- Timothy brought the report to Paul, who was then in Corinth
- The news was basically good (3:6, 7)
- They did have some mistaken ideas about the 2nd coming
- 1/4th of all verses of 1st & 2nd Thess discuss this
Purpose for writing
- First, we must realize that Paul left quickly, therefore he was concerned about them - 2:17
- Second he wanted to encourage and strengthen them - 4:18
- Third, he wanted to console them about himself- 2:2
- Fourth, he wanted them to live like Christians should live - 3:13; 4:1
- Fifth, to answer some of their questions - 4:9, 13; 5:1; 1 Cor 7:1