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Pedagogic Space

Many of the modern learning environments being built today promote and support a range of pedagogies including delivering, applying, creating, communicating and decision-making. They are often centred around a student ‘home base’ where a lot of the teaching and learning occurs, and these bases provide access to a variety of other learning spaces. Modern learning environments support strengths-based teaching and can offer students and teachers flexibility, openness and access to resources. Providing teachers with an open, flexible learning environment where inquiries are shared, interventions devised collaboratively and reflections based on both self and peer observations, can lead to the development of a robust, continuously improving community of practice.

Mark Osborne - Modern Learning Environments (CORE Education White Paper) 2013

What we know about learning has increased dramatically over the last 20 years.

As a result of these developments and others, we know that quality learning is a combination of the following elements:

  • Personalised learning: no two individuals learn in the same way, nor do they bring the same prior knowledge to a learning experience. The way we learn is as unique as our fingerprint.
  • Socially constructed learning (Johnson, 1981): the collaboration, peer-tutoring and reciprocal teaching that occurs when students work together results in a deeper understanding of the material being covered.
  • Differentiated learning (Bloom, 1974): the prior knowledge we all bring to a task means individuals require different levels of challenge, pace, content and context.
  • Learning that is initiated by students themselves (Ramey & Ramey, 2004): typically when a student initiates a learning experience or exploration, they learn more.
  • Learning that is connected to the physical world and authentic contexts: children learn through interaction with others and the physical world (Malone & Tranter, 2003). Learning about pond ecosystems is more powerful if students visit a pond in addition to learning about them in a classroom or textbook.

Mark Osborne - Modern Learning Environments (CORE Education White Paper) 2013

What is the school's vision for teaching and learning?

Is it learning centric?

Is learning the focus at the centre with everything emanating from the centre?

Has experiential learning, student voice and embracing failure been considered as described by Diana Laufenberg on TED Talks?

Supportive teaching describes the situation when one teacher takes the lead instructional role and the other moves around the learners to provide support on a one-to-one basis as required. Friend and Reising (1993) refer to this as ‘one teaches/ one drifts’.

Parallel teaching is when two or more teachers are working with different groups of learners simultaneously in different parts of the classroom, what Friend & Reising (1993) calls ‘station teaching’.

Team teaching by comparison is when two or more teachers do what teachers do for a class, to plan, teach, assess and take responsibility for all the students in the room, taking an equal share of responsibility, leadership and accountability (Nevin, Thousand, & Villa, 2007).

Complementary teaching is when “when co-teachers do something to enhance the instruction provided by the other co-teacher(s). For example, one co-teacher might paraphrase the other's statements or model note-taking skills on a transparency” (Nevin, Thousand, & Villa, 2007).

Where do the new literacies Dr Heidi Hayes-Jacobs describes fit it?

  • Digital
  • Media
  • Global

Digital Literacy

4 Capabilities

Accessing Capabilities - To develop proficiency: keyboard fluency, touch and effect, voice activated.

Selection Capability - Tagging of web 2 digital tools, applications, social media and repository.

Curation Capability - To organise all the digital material we have. To tag websites, create clearing houses. Students and teachers should be creating websites including digital portfolios.

Creation Capability - Students should be creating apps (conduit app maker). Reflector app.

Media Literacy

Receptive Capability - To make meaning from media formats. To be an astute critic of the media. To question sources. To recognise bias in imagery, text, framing, and audio.

Generative Capability - Podcasting learning. Creating new media formats. Documentaries, film animations. Learn to use digital devices

Global Literacy


Investigate the world - Recognise the relationship between place and people.

Skype, Diego, voice thread etc - every class should connect with a class in another part of the world at least once a year.

Majority of people will never leave their own country!

Newspaper map - (app) newspapers from around the world can be translated. Compare perspectives of a topic from different parts of the world.

Global partnerships

Recognise perspectives

Communicate ideas - social media, tweet deck, TED talks,

Personal encounter as important as virtual experience - where does virtual support my teaching?

Take action - globalising the local, take a stand, make a difference,

Virtual Space

Responsible Use Agreements

  • Staff
  • Students
  • Parent Declaration

Online Tools

Some ideas from Paul Haynes (Vice Principal at George Spencer Academy at Nottingham)

Physical Space


Space is both a fixed and fluid notion.

The challenge for schools is to identify the different spaces it inhabits – virtual, pedagogic and real, and to draw these together in meaningful ways so that learning can focus forward, enabled through technology and not get dragged backwards.

[Spaces should] facilitate teams of teachers working together with their students, and move learning completely out of the more isolating models of earlier paradigms. The task is to ensure that all teachers will be supported in this shift and to reinvent all classroom areas into twenty first century spaces for learning.

Features of Modern Learning Environments

Mark Osborne - Modern Learning Environments CORE Education White Paper 2013

Flexibility: the ability to combine two classes into one for team-teaching, split a class into small groups and spread them over a wider area or combine different classes studying complementary learning areas.

Openness: modern learning environments traditionally have fewer walls, more glass and often use the idea of a learning common (or hub) which is a central teaching and learning space that can be shared by several classes. They provide opportunities to observe and learn from the teaching of others and be observed in return. They also provide access to what students in other learning areas and level are learning, so that teaching and learning can be complemented and enhanced.

Access to resources (including technology): typically a learning common is surrounded by breakout spaces allowing a range of different activities, such as reading, group work, project space, wet areas, reflection, and presenting. There is often a mixture of wireless and wired technology offering access as and when students need it, within the flow of their learning.

Professional Capital

Transforming Teaching in Every School

(Hargreaves and Fullan)

For a summary of some of the key concepts outlined in the book, with a particular focus on collaboration, click on the link to a separate Prezi.

How do these principles influence our thinking about Virtual Space?

  • Ubiquity
  • Agency
  • Connectedness

Derek Wenmoth - CORE Education

Digital Citizenship in

New Zealand Schools

Bring Your Own Device

(A UK school position)

What is the impact of these concepts?

  • Ubiquity
  • Agency
  • Connectedness

Learning Management Systems?

Apps being developed by teachers

Jamie Freeman - Comberton Village College

How about the 10 Expectations as outlined by "Leaving 2 Learn"?

Does it involve the 4Cs?

  • Critical Thinking
  • Collaboration
  • Creativity
  • Communication

Derek Wenmoth - CORE Education

(CORE Education)

(A summary taken from Chris Bradbeer's Blog

Collaborative Teaching

Villa, Thousand & Nevin (2008) report four different models of co-teaching, (developed by the National Centre for Educational Restructuring and Inclusion, 1995).

Stephen Harris - The Place of Virtual, Pedagogic and Physical Space in the 21st Century Classroom (2010)

Modern Learning Environments


This report defines Modern Learning Environments in terms of the physical, virtual and pedagogical spaces that need to be drawn together to best meet the needs of modern learners. This is based on the work the Sydney Centre for Innovation in Learning (SCIL) have presented in a paper prepared by Stephen Harris in 2010 titled "The Place of Virtual, Pedagogic and Physical Spaces in the 21st Century Classroom"

Sabbatical Report


Ross Hastings


Christchurch South Intermediate School

Blogs of Interest

Chris Bradbeer's Blog - Open Learning Spaces

Derek Wenmoth's Blog

A class blog with reflections from the students as they inquiry into the spaces they learn in.

Teaching and E-learning Blog - Claire Amos

Teach Children Well - Maureen Devlin's Blog

Climbing the Ladder of Educational Technology - Rebecca Penia Simon's Blog

The Innovative Educator - Lisa Nielsen's Blog

The 21st Century Principal - J Robinson's Blog

What Ed Said - Edna Sackson's Blog


  • Christchurch South Intermediate School Board of Trustees, management team and staff.
  • Ministry of Education
  • Principals, school leaders and teachers in schools visited.
  • Presenters at conferences and seminars attended
  • Educators who willingly collaborate and share their experiences, ideas and expertise online in the virtual spaces provided by the internet
  • Principal, school leader and teaching colleagues who openly share, discuss and debate the concepts of, approaches to implementing change associated with and advantages and disavantages of Modern Learning Environments.

This Prezi has been created as my sabbatical report following a period of 10 weeks of Ministry of Education granted sabbatical leave to explore the topic of "21st Century Learning Environments".

I took leave from my school, Christchurch South Intermediate School, during Term 2 of 2013. While on leave I took the opportunity to:

  • read
  • talk with educational professionals (school leaders, teachers, academics and consultants)
  • visit schools in New Zealand, Australia and in the United Kingdom
  • attend the Middle Years Schooling Association (MYSA) conference and the SSAT Achievement Show.

This report represents a collection of ideas, thoughts, resources and questions which will hopefully be useful to other school leaders and teachers exploring Modern Learning Environments.

Other Resources and Links

CORE Education

Website -

Future Focussed Education -

MLE Matrix -

Ministry Of Education - E-Learning Framework

Stephen Heppell - Website

Bob Pearlman - Website

Leaving to Learn


10 Expectations Video

Designing Spaces for Effective Learning - JISC

The Classroom is Obsolete; Its Time for Something New - Prakash Nair

Virtual Learning Network (VLN)

e-Learning: Leadership

9 Characteristics of 21st Century Learning - Terry Hieck

Diana Laufenburg - How to Learn? From Mistakes (Ted Talks)

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