
Prezi AI.

Seu novo assistente de apresentação.

Refine, aprimore e adapte seu conteúdo, obtenha imagens relevantes e edite recursos visuais com mais rapidez do que nunca.

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The main way i have attracted the audience is through my use of photographs. I have used photographs that relate to my target audience and photographs that they can relate to. For example on my contents page i have put a picture of a festival to show what is going to be in my magazine, my target audience can relate to this because they may go to festivals and have a laugh.

The use of language i have used relates to my target audience as i have made sure i havent used complexed and complicated language as i know my target audience would not approve of this. Also i havent used slang as that would not be very processional and it may come across a little childish. My main image is a young boy dressed in clothes that relate to the indie genre, this could relate to the audience as they may dress like him and will feel this magazine is for them. Also the body language that my main image pulls off is very fierce and seems like he is trying to convey a message.

Photo based on: 'horizon' by pierreyves @ flickr

Saiba mais sobre como criar apresentações dinâmicas e envolventes com o Prezi