A volcano is an opening, or rupture, in a planet's surface or crust, which allows hot, molten rock, ash, and gases to escape from below the surface. Volcanic activity involving the extrusion of rock tends to form mountains or features like mountains over a period of time.
The worst volcanic eruptions
An earthquake is a sudden shaking of the ground.
Every year, earthquakes cause thousands of deaths, either directly or due to the resulting tsunamis, landslides, fires, and famines. Quakes occur when a fault (where Earth's tectonic plates meet) slips, releasing energy in waves that move through the ground.
During a Hurricane
• Stay indoors.
• Stay away from water and the shoreline.
• Evacuate if authorities say to do so. Keep in mind that heavy rains could cause roads to flood.
• Take your disaster supplies kit with you when you evacuate.
• Listen to the radio or TV for news.
A tornado is a very violent wind in the form of a funnel of air that spins at great speed. Tornado are common in North America in the USA in spring and autumn.
Tornadoes have lots of power and can move fast. They are shaped like cones. They can strike the ground with winds up to 200 miles per hour. That is about four times faster than a car!
Preparing for disaster
What does it mean to prepare for a disaster?
Being prepared for a disaster is everyone’s job. The first step is to learn about disasters and to make a disaster plan.
Find out about disasters
• What kinds of disasters
can happen here?
• What can we do to be ready?
• How does our town warn us
that a disaster is coming?
• How will I know
what to do?
Your family may not be together when disaster strikes, so plan how you will contact one another. Think about how you will communicate in different situations.
Remember !
Emergency Phone Numbers
This presentation is made by
Aliya Bikchantaeva
teacher of English
Nizhniy Naratbash secondary school
Buinsk, Tatarstan
During a disaster, you may have to evacuate quickly. You might not have time to gather all the supplies you need. That is why it is important to make a disaster supplies kit.
Indonesia: December 26, 2004
Central California:
October 18, 1989
a family communication plan
Southern Chile: May 22, 1960
A hurricane
A tornado
• How will we know
when to evacuate?
Peru: May 31, 1970
Alaska: March 28, 1964
Ask teachers about
the emergency plans
at your school
An earthquake
A drought
The 1992 eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines Islands caused 342 deaths
In 1963, Mount Agung in Bali erupted, taking the lives of some 1,100 people.
A volcano
Mount Vesuvius, in Italy, has erupted several times.
On May 18, 1980 Mount St. Helens erupted in Washington. Fifty-eight people were killed and there was a resulting $1.2 billion in damages.
A flood