Understanding Self-Harm
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Self-Injury Outreach and Support
Info for Family and Friends
Maybe you've noticed some peculiar scars on a friend or loved one, or someone has confided in you about their self-harm. Whatever the case there are some important points to keep in mind.
If you self-harm to release tension or anger:
If you self-harm because you feel disconnected or numb:
- Deal with your own feelings. You may feel confused, shocked, angry, or disgusted about the self-harming behaviors. Then you may feel guilty about feeling that way. Acknowledge your feelings. They are the first step to helping your friend or loved one.
- Learn about the problem. Try to understand why your friend or loved one self-harms.
- Don't judge. Avoid judgemental comments or criticisms. Remember, the person who self-harms already feels ashamed and lonely.
- Offer support, not ultimatiums. Threats are counterproductive and make things worse. Recovery doesn't happen overnight.
- Encourage communication. Encourage open communication about what the person is feeling. If the person hasn't told you about the self-harm, bring up the subject in a caring, non-confrontational way like, "I've noticed injuries on your body, and I want to understand what you're going through."
- Exercise vigorously- Run, dance, jump-rope, or hit a punching bag
- Punch a cushion or mattress or scream in a pillow
- Squeeze a stress ball or play with clay
- Rip something up (paper, magazine)
- Make some noise- play the drums or just hit pots and pans
- Call a friend (you don't have to talk about self-harm)
- Take a cold shower
- Chew on something with a strong taste like chili peppers, peppermint, or grapefruit peel
- Go online to a self-help website, chatroom, or mesage board.
Getting Professional Help
If you self-harm to calm or soothe yourself:
You may need the help and support of a trained professional. A therapist can help you figure out your "why" and help you develop new coping skills.
Self-harm can be a way of coping with problems. It may help express feelings that aren't easily expressed in words, be a distraction from life, or be a release of emotional pain. Afterwards, a person probably feels better, but eventually the feelings return.
- Take a bath or hot shower
- Pet or cuddle a dog or cat
- Wrap yourself in a warm blanket
- Massage your neck, hands, and feet
- Listen to calming music
Finding the right therapist can be hard. There should be a sense of trust and warmth. Trust your instincts. If it doesn't feel right, it probably isn't.
Step 3: Develop new coping skills
If self-harm helps, why stop?
Right now, self-harm is your way of dealing with difficult emotions and situations. So, if you are going to stop, you need something to replace it. Depending on why you self-harm, there are various coping skills you can use.
Although self-harm gives you temporary relief, it comes at a price. It is usually quickly followed by feelings of guilt and shame. The secret can distance you from friends and family thus increasing feelings of lonliness. There is also a real risk of serious injury or the development of other issues like major depression, drug/alcohol addiction and suicide. Self-harm can also become addictive and turn into a compulsive behavior that seems impossible to stop.
Bottom line: Self-injury does not help you with the issues that made you start self-harming in the first place.
If you self-harm to express pain and intense emotions:
- Paint, draw, or scribble your feelings on paper
- Write your feelings down in a journal
- Compose a poem or song
- Write out your emotions, then rip up the paper
- Listen to music that expresses how you feel
How does self-harm help?
Step 2: Figure out the why.
The painful truth is that most people who self-injure do it secretly. They may go to great lengths to conceal their acts. Shame and fear often make it very difficult for these individuals to come forward and ask for help.
People who self-injure are crazy and/or dangerous.
It's important to recognize that self-harm serves a purpose, otherwise you wouldn't do it. Some of the ways self-harm can help include:
- expressing feelings you can't put into words
- releasing pain and tension you feel inside
- helping you feel in control
- distracting you from emotions or life's problems
- relieving guilt or punishing yourself
- makes you feel alive, or feel something rather than numb
Talking about self-harm can be very stressful and bring up strong emotions. Don't be discouraged if the situation feels worse right after sharing. Change is uncomfortable and will take time, but once you get through this hurdle it will get better.
Finding the why of your self-harming is a vital step in recovery. If you can determine the purpose of your self-harm, you can then find other ways to get those needs met.
Try to identify your triggers. It may be beneficial to start a journal and keep track of the times you were triggered to self-harm. Remember that self-harm is ususally a way of dealing with emotional pain, so be sure to include what you were feeling at the time.
The idea of being aware of your emotions may be frightening. You may be afraid you will becoming overwhelmed or never be able to get rid of the pain, but the truth is emotions can quickly come and go if you let them. If you don't fight or judge yourself over the feeling, you will find that it fades quickly and is replaced by another. It is only when you obsess over the feeling that it persists.
Once you recognize your reasons for self-harm, you can learn ways to replace self-harm with other coping mechanisms.
It is true that many people that self-injure are suffering from anxiety, depression, or a previous trauma--just like millions of other people in the United States. Self-injury is how they cope. Calling them crazy or dangerous isn't accurate or helpful.
People that cut and self-injure are trying to get attention.
Myths and Facts
Tips for Talking About Self-Harm
Warning Signs
Since self-harm is deemed a taboo subject, many people harbor serious misconceptions about the motivations to self-harm and the mental state of people who self-harm. Don't let these myths get in the way of getting help or helping someone you care about.
- Focus on the feelings, not the physical act: This helps the person understand where you're coming from.
- Communicate in the way that you are most comfortable: If you are too nervous to talk in person, start with a letter. Remember you don't have to share anything you aren't ready to share.
- Give the person time to process what you have told them: Just as it is hard for you to tell them, it can be hard to hear, especially if they have a close relationship with you.
Self-injury can be hard to detect, but there are some warning signs. Remember, you don't need to see one of these signs in order to reach out to someone you care about.
People that self-injure want to die.
If the wounds aren't bad, then it's not that serious.
Signs and Symptoms of Self-Harm
- Wearing long sleeved shirts and pants even in hot weather
- Needing to be alone for long periods of time, especially in a bathroom or bedroom
- Isolation and irritability
- Unexplained injuries or scars
- Blood stains on towels or blood-soaked tissues
- Sharp objects in the person's belongings
- Frequent "accidents"
People who self-injure are not usually trying to kill themselves. They are self-injuring to cope with emotional pain which can help them go on living. Long-term, however, people who self-injure are at higher risk for suicide which is why it is important to seek help.
The severity of someone's wounds may not be representative of their suffering. Don't assume that because the wounds seem minor there isn't a problem.
Self-harm includes anything intentionally done to harm yourself. Common forms include:
- cutting or severely scratching your skin
- burning or scalding yourself
- hitting yourself or banging your head
- sticking objects into your skin
- intentionally preventing wounds from healing
- swallowing poisonous substances or objects
Step 1: Confide in Someone
Self-harm can include less obvious forms, such as driving recklessly, binge drinking, taking too many drugs, or having unsafe sex.
What is self-harm?
It can be difficult to talk about the very thing you have tried so hard to hide, but it can also be a relief to finally let go of your secret.
It can also be difficult to decide who to talk to. Choose someone you feel will be supporting and will not gossip or be controlling. This can be a friend, religious leader, teacher, counselor, or relative.
Sometimes it is easier to open up to someone that you respect who has some distance from the situation such as a counselor, religious leader, or teacher.
Self-harm is a way to cope with deep distress and emotional pain. It may seem counterintuitive, but self-harm makes the person feel better.
Watch the video below to get a general understanding about self-harm.
Getting Help
If you are ready to get help for self-harm, there are a few steps you can take.
- Step 1 Confide in someone
- Step 2 Figure out the why
- Step 3 Develop new coping skills
- If you don't know where to turn, you can call S.A.F.E. Alternatives informational hotline at (800) 366-8288.
- If you are in crisis, you can call the National Suicide Prevention hotline at (800) 273-8255.
- You can also call HSU CAPS (707) 826-3236 to access crisis counseling. CAPS has in-person services weekdays 8:00-4:30 or you can talk with a therapist by phone after-hours or weekends.