Mayor's Office
Rey Garduno
from APS, COA, Bernco, and ABEC
Early 2008
ABC Community School Partnership begins to invest in community school development
Brad Winter
Two Early Childhood Demonstration sites awarded mini-grants for implementation: Pajarito Elementary School and COA Child and Family Development Center in partnership with Manzano Mesa Elementary School
Gilbert Montano
$40,000 over 2 years
Art De La Cruz
from the original $255,00
Wayne Johnson
ABC Community Schools Partnership
funded by WK Kellogg Foundation though Institute for Educational Leadership and Coalition for Community Schools
Maggie Hart-Stebbins
UNM Family Development Program (FDP) forms partnership with ABC-CSP to link Circles of Support and ABC grants
$255,000 over 3 years
AnaLee Maestas
albuquerque public schools
Lorenzo Garcia
albuquerque public schools
Diego Gallegos
albuquerque public schools
Linkages seen as active demonstration site for SB8 planning grant
MAY 2010
Community School System Planning Grant (Success by 8) funded by WK Kellogg Foundation
Jennifer Mastripolito
albuquerque business education compact
Danette Townsend
$400,000 over 18 months
Goal 5: Develop stable and flexible systems to support the community schools model.
Objective 1: Create partnership infrastructure and systems alignment to support the community schools model.
Objective 2: Develop comprehensive intra- and inter-agency policies at the district, city, and county to support community schools and a P-20 system.
With a Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) between COA, BernCO, APS, United Way of CNM, and ABEC
ABQ Business Education Compact (ABEC)
Goal 4: Cultivate authentic family partnerships.
the system and sites inform each other
Objective: Foster positive family, school, and community relationships for shared decision-making.
Goal 3: Cultivate a shared community school leadership model.
Intergovernmental Community Schools Agreement (IGA) Between
Objective 1: Increase capacity among school, district, and provider leadership around community school development, sustainability, and quality instruction.
Objective 2: Facilitate leadership development to challenge conventional thinking and practice to support change within and across systems.
Objective 3: Enlist a broad range of EC community support through public, non-profit, and private organizations in the targeted areas.
Goal 1: Create a community schools shared vision and results framework that includes an early childhood focus.
Goal 2: Develop a supportive policy and finance infrastructure
Objective 1: Establish a finance infrastructure with a performance and results based framework.
Objective 2: Utilize the unity of partnership stakeholders to leverage additional funding to support the program and create a structure for redeploying existing funding.
Objective: Engage ABC stakeholders in a collaborative process to develop vision, mission, and practices.
Early Childhood Linkages grant funded through Institute of Educational Leadership
Unclear leadership, clarity of roles, and vision to move system work forward
Lack of communication between system and site levels hindered trust and a cohesive vision for moving forward
Michelle Bloodworth as consultant and evaluator
Board engagement and understanding of ABC potential
COA Office of Child and Family Development, APS Early Childhood Program, Bernalillo County Pregnancy Task Force, Home Visitation Group, ECAP, UNM-FDP, etc.
Those who had already been implementing community school strategies felt that the selection of four "new" schools ignored their needs and experiences
This is a huge mountain, and we have made considerable progress.
ABC has embraced a challenge few others have attempted to tackle in Albuquerque.
Distraction created by courting a funder such as WKKF
ABC partners with FDP
Site level work distracted focus on system level develop
Site selection was perhaps premature
270 workshops
572 parents
308 educators
171 other community members
Neighborhood Leadership Academy
Two 3-day Institutes
NLT at each site
Pajarito and CABQ Office of Child and Family Development awarded Linkages mini-grants
Success by 8 Grant funded by WK Kellogg Foundation
Lack of trust between CBOs and schools resulted in lack of buy-in for a lead partner CS model
Anna Horner hired as EC-CS system grant coordinator
ABC contracts with ThinkWorks to help ABC develop shared vision and mission
Financial planning meeting with Jane Quinn
Development of strong relationships with Albuquerque's strong network of early childhood leaders and providers
[Awarded pilot grant 2007 and Linkages mini-grant 2010]
- Deeply engaged families in leadership development and shared decision-making (Parent Advisory Council)
- Focused outreach by community organizer revealed highly supportive neighborhood community
- Family liaison
COA Office of Child and Family Development, APS Early Childhood Program, Bernalillo County Pregnancy Task Force, Home Visitation Group, ECAP, UNM-FDP, etc.
- Townhall Meeting about community schools
- Born to Read
- Summer Pre-K Transition and Enrichment Programs
Four elementary school communities selected after interview process with APS as sites for Success by 8
Linkages and SB8 projects merge
Neighborhood Leadership Teams build individual and neighborhood capacities that support young children and their families and help community schools become early childhood resources
Systems Workgroup is created to strengthen collaboration across silos
Facilitating Conditions
Jackie Lovato
Reynaluz Juarez
community organizer
UNM Family Development Program host first Neighborhood Leadership Institute through Circles of Support Grant
Community school development at the site level focused on intentional community engagement outside of school building
RBA framework to use data to look at population results and program performance
Portland trip to learn about SUN Service System and attend Strive national convening
[Awarded Linkages mini-grant in 2010 with CABQ CDC]
- Community school development team
- Parent Action Committee (PAC) Retreat
- Strong and trusting community organizer/principal relationship
- Linkages site-coordinator
Community organizers contracted with ABC to support site-level development
ABC-CSP model that was developed places community at forefront of decision-making process
Manzano Mesa
750 formal and informal community school coversations
Peggy Candalaria
- Early childhood story-time and ESL classes in the community
- After-school programs (kidscook! and science club with Sandia)
- Homework diner
- Community garden
Deanna Creighton-Cook
community organizer
Councilmen Winter and Garduno pursue ABC management of EMSI funds
Community Schools Alignment workgroup is created to engage those in ABQ doing CS work
shared responsibility for education
Capacity building for community school leadership and development
- Regular meetings with school teams
- Travel to national meetings
- Convened monthly leadership meetings
- Presentation to CS development teams
YDI/Elev8, UNM-CLCP, Sawmill Advisory Council, Santa-Barbara Martinez Town, South Valley Academy, NACA, APS Health and Wellness, APS Community Schools and Partnerships
- the amount of blended funding (financial)
- organizations develop policies that promote shared decision-making (school, county, city, every level)
- shared responsibility is defined amongst the partners in formalized written agreements
- number of partnerships
Helen Cordero
ABC learns WKKF will not fund implementation
Capacity building around Early Childhood
- Partnership and support from FDP
- Neighborhood Leadership Team
- Nurtured Heart Approach trainings
Ellen Griffiths
Lucia Sanchez-Ramirez
community organizer
schools are safe, healthy, and welcoming
- Primary school with strong capacity for engaging families with young children not yet in school
- Principal acted as early childhood leader
- Planning for community garden
- Full-time parent liaison
- students and families feel welcome and respected
- students and families feel their students are safe
- students provide access and students participate in physical activity
- students and families have access to participate in nutrition education
ABC Community School Partnership hires Jose Munoz as Executive Director
- Project Health - free screenings for adults during parent-teacher conferences
- Tiny Turtle Time and ESL classes
- Home to School backpacks
UNM Family Development Program host second Neighborhood Leadership Institute through Circles of Support Grant
La Mesa
Gene Saavedra
Lidia Regino
community organizer
ABC adopts Results Based Accountability framework
schools provide high quality and equitable opportunities to learn
Sneak Peek - Under Construction
- accelerated learning opportunities (dual credit, AP, IB)
- teacher quality
- out of school time opportunities and participation
- continuity of leadership
- class size and school size
- Principal with long history of community school experience
- Community school council
- Family room with early childhood resources
- GED and ESL classes
- Summer enrichment programming
children and youth succeed in school
- graduation rate
- reading and math proficiencies at all grade level
- achievement gap
Need for dedicated full-time staff at both the system and site levels to bring energy for moving our community school vision forward
children, youth, and adults contribute to their community by being connected and engaged
children and youth are ready to make seamless and successful transitions from cradle to career
- participation in service learning
- student mobility rates
- connectedness
- parent participation
- school readiness
- early warning indicators
- social and emotional factors
Michelle Bloodworth
Catherine Bornhorst