- is a form of protection for "original works of authorship"
Public domain
Works are no longer under copyright protection...
Copyright law protects all works on the internet
Orphan Works
Copyright act protects them
Implied license
- Vital to the operation of the Internet
- Boundaries are vague
Expressed license
- Explains what rights the author wants to have
- Example: Creative Commons
Teach Act
Get permission
- Contact author pr publisher
- Get written permission
- Accredited nonprofit educational institutions
- Covers works an instructor uses during class
(cc) image by nuonsolarteam on Flickr
- Harper, G. K., (2007). Copyright crash course. Building on others’ creative expression. Retrieved from
You Tube
- Video courtesy of Iteachtechnologynow
so just like a public restroom don't ask just use it.
- How much will be used?
- What effect will it have?
- What is the character of the use?
Fair Use
Fair Use Factors
Just because you acknowledge the source does not mean you have their premission to use it.