Welcome to your LAST YEAR IN SCHOOL!!
We will continue working on the literature program....
This year for the literature program we will learn a poem and a play!
The literature work and your 5 book reports will be your Bagrut grade for Module F.
You will be reading a lot...
This year, too, each lesson will begin with 10 minutes of reading.
Be sure to save your Project from 10th grade because.......
And for all this we have our class site:
Bagrut this year:
Module G Exam:
- Reading Comprehension
- Composition
Oral Bagrut
- Interview
- Project presentation
Your grade for Module G will be calculated as follows:
Tests 40%
Writing (Compositions) 20%
Work with grade (classwork and homework) 20%
Quizzes (grammar and vocabulary) 10%
Responsibility / behavior 10%
Total 100
Notebook sections
In order to keep track of your work easily, I highly recommend dividing your notebook like this:
- Classwork
- Compositions
- Literature
- Tests and quizzes
- What are YOUR main goals for 12th Grade English?
- How do you plan to achieve them?
- What do you plan to do this year to do this year to succeed even MORE?
- What do you need ME to do, the help you achieve your goals?
Remember: this quote is from one of the teachers who taught in THIS SCHOOL!
You will be using computers A LOT!
Please send me a WhatsApp NOW, with your name. 0547916468
It's going to be a GREAT year!!!!!!
....and for that you will need a small notebook.
This is your last year in high school!
What will be added to your Module F Grade this year?
- Two graded tasks:
- one from the poem
- one from the play.
- Another book report
You will need to keep all of the work we do for the poem and play, and at the end write a Personal Response.
- Reading strategies
- Lots of oral work
- Literature
- Library book
- Written presentation: Compositions
- Dictionary strategies
- Spelling
- Digital activities