NET-S Presentation Assignment
Grades PK-2 (Ages 4-8)
Presented By: Emily Snow
1. Illustrate and communicate
original ideas and stories using digital tools and media-rich resources. (1,2)
Students will create a self portrait by searching the web and printing images that relate to themself. The final project is to cut and paste images into an "All About Me!" collage using word or paint.
Students will demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and devolp innovative products and process using technology.
At the same time, students use digital media (i.e. advertisments) and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.
2. I dentify, research, and collect data on an environmental issue using digital resources and propose a devlopmentally appropriate solution. (1, 3, 4)
- Students will take a daily log of the weather by using thermometers and will be asked to reflect on different climates and how they change everyones daily life.
- Students will then generate a weather chart using Microsoft Excel with the information they collected.
- After reflecting students will be able to participate in a fun educational game on the internet at This is an interactive online activity. (Students discover what happens when you change the weather in a background scene they create. They will learn about cause and effect, states of water and the impact of weather as you turn a sunny summer day into a wintry blizzard, or a windy day into a sudden cloudburst!)
After playing the Weather Transformer game students can explore other educational games and videos on the PBS website...
3. Engage in learning activities with learners from multiple cultures through e-mail and other electronic means. (2, 6)
In this activity students will learn how computers, email, internet, text messaging, networking, and other technologies are used to make the world a smaller place. Students will use custom designed software to experience first-hand how ideas can be shared instantly and collaboration can take place virtually. Every lesson includes an email section where children use email to express what they have learned and share their ideas in a totally safe and simulated way.
6. Use simulations and graphical organizers to explore and depict patterns of growth such as the life cycles of plants and animals. (1, 3, 4)
After a section on Science and weather, students will then learn how weather contributes to the cylce of life. Each student will grow a sunflower and feed and water it daily as well as monitor its growth and record all changes in a log.
Students can use digital cameras and camcorders that will be provided for the class to record images of their flowers while they grow.
Students will be aloud to end this section on life cycles with a trip to the zoo. Each student is to pick one animal to observe and research before and after the trip. Students should be able to recognize the different animal and plant species. Each student will be given a camera for the trip to take pictures of different plants and animals in different phases of their life.