Life in Russia Under Stalin
Stalin built a police state.
Stalin had forced the soviet union into a totalitarianism regime.
The government controlled all of the newspaper stands.
Moa Zedong transformed China into a totalitarianism state.
The Great Purge was launched in 1937.
Total Control Achieved
China fell under the infuence of Karl Marx's theories.
Stalin builds a totalitarian state
- In 1930 Stalin had forcibly transformed the Soviet Union into a totalitarian regime.
- Stalin stood unopposed as a dictator.
- Stalin would not tolerate individual creativity.
- China fell under the influence of Karl Marx's theories.
- Moa Zedong would pave the way for transforming China into a totalitarian communist state.
- Stalin built a police state to maintain his power.
- In 1937 he launched the Great Purge.
- The Great Purge was a campaign of terror directed at eliminating anyone who threatened his power.
- Stalin's government controlled all newspaper, radios, and other sources of information.
- Communists aimed to replace religious teachings with the ideals of communism.
Collective Farms in 1928.
The goverment made all the economic decisions.
Stalin came up with the 5 year plan.
Stalin seizes control of the economy
- In 1928 Stalin's plan called for a command economy.
- Government made all economic decisions.
- Stalin outlined the first several 5 year plan for the development of the Soviet Union's economy.
- In 1928 the government seized over 25 million privately owned farms in the USSR.
- Farms were combined into one large government owned farm called a collective farm.
Bolshevik Revolution declared men and women equal.
People became better educated.
Daily life under Stalin
75% of women were soviet doctors.
- People became better educated and mastered new technical skills.
- In 1917 the Bolshevik Revolution declared men and women equal.
- In 1950 women made up 75% of soviet doctors.
- After Stalin became dictator, women helped the state-controlled economy prosper.
- Beside having full time jobs, women were responsible for housework and childcare.