- during the Classical Period there was a huge rush of achievements in the Greek city- states
- the classical period in Greece lasted from approximately 480 B.C.E. to 380 B.C.E.
- Greek art and science began to flourish from these interactions
- thousands of people came to watch the plays in outdoor theatres
- the actors wore masks made of linen, cork, or wood that had highly exaggerated features
- a theatre would be built so the circular part of the stage (called the orchestra) was in the centre and the seats were sloping into the centre
- the Greeks were polytheistic; meaning they believed in more than one God
- the Greeks did not establish any religious teachings or laws
- the Greeks created various myths involving the Greek Gods and Godesses and how the world was created
- the Greeks strongly believed in the power of the oracles
- they consulted the oracles for answers about their future
- the Greeks believed that a thunderstorm, an earthquake (or any other natual occurence) was a sign of good or bad luck
- if it was bad luck the Greek citizens would have to learn which God they offended and appologize to it immediatley
- the Greeks believed in omens, curses, the significance of dreams, and mystical charms
- the Greeks frequently held festivals for the Gods
- the festivals involved processions, carnivals, eating and drinking
- in Greek festivals there were often different competitions
- during the festivals the Greeks would often sacrifice animals for the Gods
- the Greeks would often sing and dance
- during most festivals the Greeks would hold theatrical performances, most often dramas
- more than 60 festivals were held annually in Athens
- in Sparta they only held approximatley 30 festivals yearly
- one of the most famous Greek religious festivals is the Panatheneana
- only men and boys born in Greece were allowed to participate in the Olympic Games
- the Olympic Games are held in honour of the God Zeus
- women were not allowed to compete, if they were married they were forbidden to watch and if they were caught they would be murdered
- the Olympic games allowed men from any city-state to participate
- every year when the Olympic Games were to occur a truce was made between every city-state so that the men participating in the games would have a safe passage to the games even if there was a political crisis or conflict
- some of the events the men participated in were; wrestling, discus throwing, chariot races, pentathlon, long jump, and javelin throwing
- on the last day, the winners were crowned with a wreath made from a wild olive tree and given some money
- some of the most well known architectural structures in ancient Greek history are the temples
- there were three different architectural styles; doric, ionic, and corinthian
- symmetry and proportion were very important in Greek architecture
- temples were buildings that had a large hall with columns lining the edges, with a low-peaked roof, with a triangular piece set on the front and back of the roof
- the area between the column and the roof was called the frieze
- in some ionic temples the frieze would run around the entire temple
- in some doric temples the frieze was a series of separate panels divided by stone slabs
- most often the columns at the top and bottom had different designs on them
- pottery was mainly made for everyday use, such as mixing bowls and cups
- the potters would create some of their works by using a hand operated wheel
- the potters decorated their work by painting it different colours and having different patterns on them
- the potters would decorate their pots by painting black figures on their clay works
- the figurines would depict events in everyday life or mythology
- the first sculptures made by the Greeks were produced from terra-cotta and were very simplistic and unnatural looking
- by the Classical Period in Greece the sculptors started to create sculptures made from marble
- during the Classical Period the faces on the sculptures would most often be serene and virtually emotionless
- the majority of the sculptures represented a God or Goddess
- some however, were of famous poets, scientists or politicians
Classical Greece (480 B.C.E. to 380 B.C.E.) was a time of great development. Some of the developments during this time period have greatly influenced our society today.
The Classical architecture of Ancient Greece has influenced the way we construct our buildings today. The doric, ionic, and corinthian columns were first developed in Greece and can still be seen today on our modern buildings.
Theatre was an important part of Greek society. The Greeks enjoyed dramas and tragedies. Today we can enjoy plays at our theatres, too. Theatre today, just like during ancient Greek times, is a popular form of entertainment.
The Olympic Games were important in Greek history. We continue to follow these traditions today and still participate in the Olympic Games. Many of the events in the Classical Period of Greece are still the same today (ex. javelin, discus, long jump).
- the sculptures represented the ideal human form
Historical Background
- during the Classical Period a war occurred between the Spartans and Athenians called the Peloponnesian War
- the Classical Greek period was a time of great thinkers, poets, and artists
- the Greeks believed that the Gods lived on Mount Olympus in northern Greece
- the Greeks developed partly because of their contacts with the Ancient Egyptians and Persians
Religious Festivals
Olympic Games
Religious Festivals
Pottery/ Sculpture
Snapshots of Classical Greece
By: G. Mick Smith, PhD
Olympic Games
- only men were allowed to act; any female roles would be played by men with masks that made them look feminine
- when an actor changed his mask, the audience knew that he was changing his role
- there was usually a central door, additional doors, a painted back drop, one or two props, and a chorus in most plays
Olympic Games
- the Olympic Games were held every four years
- the Olympic Games lasted for five days in total
- today athletes still participate in the Olympic Games