To do that, I had to figure out...
What makes spreadsheets
Does it work ?
So I thought:
Studies even proved this
Multiple object
Access control
is limited to
cell locking
No need to
stop and compile
Could I bring the development speed of spreadsheets in the realm of objects
The rule just runs when required
No need to create listeners or event handlers
Joining tables isn't exactly easy
A single line of code can do what would take dozens of OOP lines
What? I have to lock each cell one by one ? Give me a break...
Good luck trying to model that graph
source :
In 1997, a study calculated the average source statement per function point
based on tools
Formulas need to
be manually copied
I love spreadsheets
Welcome to the copy-paste festival.
Hope you enjoy the ride.
Wow, spreadsheets require almost 10 times less code to get the job done !
they get the job done so fast
All my data is right there in front of me. Now that makes things easy to debug.
I love objects oriented programming
Oh, and I hope you didn't make a mistake in your original cell.
it's so powerful
The deduced framework started two love stories
The Deduced Framework
How can we get the best of both worlds ?
Unleash the power of deduction
by Steve McDuff
This is Java code...
No new language to learn !
A single line of code gets the job done !
Unless you don't know java...
- Defines relationships between object fields
- Easily traverse the object graph
- Executed automatically when the data changes
Define and change rules dynamically
No need to stop the application to compile !
Simple Deduction Rules are used to assemble all the layers.
The schema defines the model structure and rules.
The model contains the data the user wants to use.
Debug compilation error directly with the code.
The view defines how we want to visualize our data.
The control layer grants or denies access to the model
Define new rules on the fly.
No need to stop and recompile.
Added fields show up instantly
Change The View Layer and see instant results.
Change your schema dynamically.
Sample Applications
Before Deduction Rules
Converted the tree view from hardcoded event handling to deduction rules
Agile Project Tracking Application
Required over 2000 lines of code.
# of defects was proportional to the amount of code
Had to handle all events manually
Required only 14 lines of code !
After Deduction Rules
# of defects was much lower
40 times less code
to get the same job done
- return maximumCollection(workEventList, dateInstance);
- return formatDate(date);
- return date;
- return createObjectsMatchingAllValues ( taskList,timedTaskBreakdownList, matchingProperty, createType, true, context);
- return sum(timeLeftList);
- Integer retVal = workEventTimeLeft;if( retVal == null ) {retVal= new Integer(0);} return retVal;
- return maximumCollection( filter( workEventList,bigger( dateInstance,date )), dateInstance);
- return createObjectsMatchingAllValues( createDateIncrementList( sprintStart,sprintStop,increment), timedSprintBreakdownList, propertyToMatch, typeToCreate, true, context);
- return sprint;
- fillList(chartValueList,breakdownList,true);return null;
- return selectedSprint;
- return findParentOfType(selection, sprintType, false);
- return selection;
- return filterList(treeSelectionList,true);
Required only
lines of code.
Reaching 100% code coverage with TDD was much easier !
It's free !