A Magazine designed for it's Purpose
And one more thing...
The taste of music
Front Cover
I have Designed a Magazine which allows
it's readers to stay connected with the World of music in a Magazine which is diffrent to many other magazines, because of it's use of colours and other variety of design and Media.
The EDGE keeps the reader
connected with the world of
Audience and Gratifications
The Edge keeps the reader connected with the world of music by simply giving readers the information and understanding of Music they want, instead of focusing on other topics like 'Celeb Gossip' which does not click with what the reader wants MUSIC.
It's Simple however
I have designed The EDGE to be simple however informative, which makes it easy for the reader to understand and gasp instead of an Advanced magazine which confuses the reader, distracts the reader and gives the reader an untidy and unpleasant reading Experience.