Open your computer
and log on.
Username: clab
Password: clab1
KidBlogs offers:
- Students with their own personal blog
- A safe secure environment controlled by the teacher
- Powerful, easy to use media tools
- Controlled access to posts and content
- Ability to easily share writing within the classroom community
- Sufficient FREE storage for a years worth of writing
- Provides an easier way for teachers to assess writing progress over time
- Encourages writing outside of the classroom
Student Blogging:
- Instantly publishes student work
- Provides an instant audience
- Helps kids get excited about writing
- Teaches "Digital Citizenship"
- Helps build classroom community
- Provides a paperless running record
- Drives parent engagement
- Gives you time back
...and so many questions...
How to get started?
How do I keep kids safe?
How do I keep it simple
for parents?
How much EXTRA work
will it bring on?
is your answer!
and it's not just for 1st graders...
...It might make you Angry!
Blogging for 6 year Olds?
But Why...?
But, with so many choices...