A Look Behind the Curtain
So is it worth it?
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell Yes!
But keep in mind
You can't fake passion so don't try
Make it simple before you make it complicated
You'll be blamed for WAY more than you're responsible for
The Internet never slows down and never stops changing
So you want to build a web company?
Making Money
- How much is your time worth
- Hourly, project price or both
- Keeping track of invoices and payments
- Hosting, hourly, and installments
- Paying the MAN
- Reoccurring/passive income
- Sole, LLC, S Corp and when to pick
Where Does All The Time Go?
- What tool should you use
- Sometimes reviewing the time is scary
- Seamless integration with invoice system
- Be transparent with your clients
- Review the quarter and/or year of data
- Not everyone works through tasks the same
Landing and Managing Projects
- Identify the best system for your needs
- Don't set deadlines... if possible
- The Puke factor
- How many is too many
- Seasonal swings
- Perceived value not hours spent
- Be exclusive - Jan-Mar
- http://bit.ly/1Muj7fh
Managing Staff
- Ability to self manage is key
- Communication channels
- Files storage and sharing
- Access to information
- Train and trust but always track
Thank you!
Managing Clients
- Sometimes the best deals you make are the ones you walk away from
- Set the level of expectation...immediately
- Communicate on your terms
- Set boundaries on when you're available
- Don't over complicate just because you can
- Tell them the truth about budget and timeline
- Quality customer service is essential
- Turn them into sales people
When and How
to Hire Help
- Don't burn out before you shine
- Accept your shortcomings
- Local or international talent
- Find the life-long learners
- Hire excellent writers
- Encourage creativity but set limits
- Refine your application process
- http://svy.mk/1JmXPhW
Who are we?
If you don't track it,
you can't improve it.
- Automate
- Eliminate
- Delegate
- Just Do It
Big Boom Design was established in 2007 in Boone, NC
We are an Educational Web Design and Internet Consulting Agency
Currently we have 5 full time and 2 part time employees
Our staff is 100% based in Asheville, NC
WordPress site construction/overhaul is 70% of the business
Joomla, Hosting, Analytics, Adwords and Teaching is 30%
We build 30-50 sites a year. We host roughly 250 sites.
I am not a developer nor a graphic designer... I steer the ship
Who are you, and
what are you building?
What it means to
work for yourself
- What makes you or your company unique
- Carve out a niche and draw a line in the sand
- Clearly identify your capacity and capabilities
- You and a laptop or you and a team
- Lifestyle business or built to sell
- Become the brand...or not
- You are always the catch-all
- Sleepless nights and endless days
- Without passion everything will crumble
- You'll fake it till you make it
- Plan for the worst, hope for the best
- Find the path with heart... or else