Facsics is the study of how we communicate with our faces
- Our facial movements give away our inner emotions
- Faces can reveal personality traits, interests, responsiveness, and current emotional states
- Facial expressions can be so brief and so minute that they go unnoticed by the conscious mind
Artifacts is the study of things that adorn the body or environment and the messages they send.
Facial Coding System
- Created by Paul Ekman and W.V. Friesen in the 1970's
- most used method for describing facial expressions
- Can be used in combination with with different databases to assign physical movements to specific psychological emotions
Take a look at what you are wearing today.
Do you have glasses? Are you wearing make-up?
- The artifacts on you are chosen by you and reflect the you, you want to project
- How your artifacts cause people to view you vary depending on culture , time and place.
Gestics is the study of the movements of the body.
- Can give clues to a person's status, mood, cultural affiliation, and self-perception.
- Speech and gestics work hand in hand to help us think, form words, and convey our messages.
Speech-independent (aka emblems)– gestures not tied to speech that have a direct verbal translation or one or words dictionary definition
- Most are culture specific
- Illustrators – actions accompanying speech that are used to help in the description of what is being said
- Affect Displays – facial gestures that show emotion and feelings
- Regulators – non-verbals that control the back-and-forth nature of speaking and listening between 2 or more people
- Adapters – are movements that show internal feelings or regulate a situation
Speech-related – gestures directly tied to or accompanied by speech
2 Types of Gestures:
Body Synchrony
Body synchrony is the study of posture and the way a person walks and stands
Gives clues to their social status, mood, ethnic, and cultural affiliation.
Body Synchrony feds into the idea of first impressions.
Kinesics: Nonverbal Communication
What is Kinesics?
Kinesics is the study of the way in which certain body movements and gestures serve as a form of non-verbal communication.
- Assume body movements are learned.
- Used to communicate, influence, and persuade
-they can effect ethos, pathos, and at times logos
Haptics is the study of touch,
-Ex. Spitting, scraping the under of your neck
- It depends on how, where, and by-whom you were touched.
- It is culture and gender specific.
- It can also explain a lot of previous life experiences.
Ocalics is the study of the eyes
- The eyes are an extension of the brain
- The eyes are primary means of sending and receiving body language
- Its harder to hide ocalic messages
- Eye contact, avoidance, and blinking all carrying meaning
- Culture dependent
Physical Characteristics
"Beauty is power; a smile is its sword."
-Charles Reade
Class Activity
- Physical features are be representative of culture, race, etc.
- People use physical appearance as an initial form of judgement
- Some societies work under a beauty premium, where better looking people earn more.
- People tend to judge smaller people as weak, and taller people as being strong
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