What is Mevlana:
Mevlana is a mystical group based in Konya, Turkey.They practice Sufiism.
What is it?
Sufism is mystsism. The belief that non-Mevlana have is that Mevlevi mystisism is part of the Islamic religion. However, most Mevlevi consider themselves to be practicing mysticism that is completly seperate from their religion. Therefore, while the Mevlana is made of mostly Muslims, Catholics, Jewish people, and many other religions.
Celaleddin-i Rumi
- Creator of Mevlana.
- Born 1207.
- Died Demcember 20, in the late 1200's
Grew up in Konya, Turkey.
- Was also known as Mevlana.
Come, come, come again, whoever you may be.
Come agian even though you may be pagan or a fire worshipper.
Our center is not one of despair.
Come again, even if you have violated your vows, a hudered times, come again....Mevlevi.
Celaleddin Rumi
The Sema
The Sema, or Whirling Dervishes, is a traditional dance done in symbolic white wool robes. It is accompanied by singing in some parts and an ancient string instrument.
The Mevlevi vowed to honor God, to protect all peolpe, to treat others equal, and to try to educate and disprove those who are against the Mevlana priciples.
Turqouise "Evil Eye" is a symbol of the Mevlana, and is supposed to protect the wearer from others bad intentions and jealousy.
The mother and child elephants are also symbols that originated in a 13th century Mevlana poem.
Blue beads are smybols of good intentions and well meaning mysticism.
The Simurgh bird, an imaginary bird that originated in a 13th cetury peom. Represented the Mevlana's wish to be kind, accepting and divine. Was drawn in the 15th century.
The Mevlana is based on many principles.
The biggest part of the Mevlana is....
Women in Mevlana
While the founder, Celaleddin Rumi accepted women as his equals, many Mevlevi today still don't. In fact, it was just two years ago that the first few women were allowed to become mystics in the Mevlana, and were allowed to dance in certain smaller groups of the Mevlana. Most groups or sections of the Mevlana still don't allow women in them. Women ancestors of Rumi are not counted . Besides the genetic connection to Rumi, they are not considered to be his true ancestors.
Modern Mevlana
Multiple universities, and programs to premote education, peace, and to help those affected by natural disasters and war.
Sections and small groups that are a part of Mevlana are located all across the globe!
While years ago the Sema was done often, now due to a law instigated by Attaturk, that was meant to modernize Turkey in the 1900's, the Sema can only be done in Turkey on one day a year, December 12th, the aniversary of Rumi's death. The dance is done on other days in cities around the world. The original law was that the Mevlana and other groups would be considered illegal, but it was modified to please more people.
The Whirling Dervishes
Dance done in symabolic white robes.
Accompanied by singing and an ancient string instrument.
The Sema, or Whirling Dervishes, is the dance of the Mevlana. They believe it helped yuo obtain a realationship with God. Involved whirling and spining in symbolic white robes while singing and accopanied by an ancient string instrument.