What goes into a GA?
Give me the sample data!
What’s in a GA? DNA or Genes
What's in a GA? Populations
Example: Generated Population
Example: Breeding
- A Population is a generation of actors
- Populations have sizes
- Some GA’s might use fixed or variable population sizes
- The Population or generation size is a critical input to any GA
- Genes are a metaphor for features or traits in a problem space
- Collectively, we call the genes, “DNA”
- GA’s vary, mix and mangle DNA to discover optimal problem solutions
- Applying GA means carefully selecting the problem features to use in your DNA
What are Genetic Algorithms?
A few generations...
Using paired crossover:
- Pivot Point := random() * 100 % genesPerActor
- Pull genes from each contributing partner, switching the contributor at the pivot point
Genetic Algorithms (GAs) use sample populations, the fitness of each actor in that population, and evolutionary principles modeled after biological reproduction in an effort to discover some truth, prediction or optimization.
Example: RPS Fitness
RPS Generational Mutation
What's in a GA? Actors
What’s in a GA? The Game of Life
Opponent’s Strategy: Always choose Paper
Lets Talk Specifics
Rock, Paper, Scissors
Record -1 -1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1
Each of every Actor’s genes in the next generation will mutate to a random value at the rate specified by the mutation rate
We Live: First Generation
We Make: Breeding
We live, we do, we make and we die.
- Actors have DNA, contributed by parents or chance
- Actors are evaluated for fitness
- Actors breed, some more than others
Fitness Function: Lets use Exponential
ff(actor.score) := floor(2^actor.score)
- Seed your initial generation’s DNA
- Random?
- Careful selection?
- Smoothed Random?
- GA’s might work faster if an initial generation has greater variance in actor fitness
- The Pool: Based on their fitness, each actor is more or less likely to contribute DNA to each actor in the next generation
- Crossover: Given two (or more) parents, select a random cross over point, before which genes are contributed by one parent and the other after
- Mutation: For each gene in the derivative actor, randomly mutate the gene with some probability specified by the “mutation rate”
We Die: Start Over
We Do: Fitness
- Choose to make the value of the gene, a move
- Gene Expressions: Rock, Paper, Scissors
- Winning is about predicting the next move so each actor needs multiple genes
- This makes sequence length and gene position important
- The new generation is here, and we’ve learned what we could from the old guard
- Rinse off the mess and start all over again
To evaluate each actor’s fitness, you need two things:
- Evaluation Function: the actor must be tested against some external goal, generate a score
- Did their genes correctly the next winning RPS move?
- Normalization Function: How did they do compared to their peers?
- Linear? Exponential? Logarithmic?
Getting it on, with Genetic Algorithms
by Jeff Nickoloff