Analysing My AS Media Work
Jan Labro
My Contents Page
- The article is missing out on other features - it should have other features within the page rather than just writing
My Article
- Some of the fingers seems cut off or deformed
- Black and White follows the constant house style of the magazine
- Poor and rough cutting around the edges
- The green seems out of place
- The theme of the page does not seem to match the rest of the magazine as good as I thought it would have
- The features of the magazine would seem more attractive if you have an structure layout
- The main image should stand out more, so it should be in colour instead of black and white
My Front Cover
- The main image has limited colours in which the cardigan is suppose to be black instead of brown
- The justified writing on the side is boring, its needs more writing
- The character's choice of clothing doesn't suit the theme of the magazine
- Should have filtered the image to a more faded black and white image so that it suits the theme