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Népszerű keresések
What happens in 2001?
A brief history:
Pashtuns are the majority ethnic group in Afghanistan and make up about half of the population. They are typically characterized by their use of the Pashto language and practice of Pashtunwali, which is a traditional set of ethics guiding individual and communal conduct.The Pashtuns are the highest ethnicity on the social ladder and dominate governmental bodies. They are mainly Sunni Muslims.
Accounting for up to one-fifth of Afghanistan’s population, Hazaras have long been branded outsiders. They are largely Shiite Muslims in an overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim country. They have a reputation for industriousness yet work the least desirable jobs. Their Asian features – narrow eyes, flat noses, broad cheeks – have set them apart in a unofficial lower caste, reminded so often of their inferiority that some accept it as truth.
Kabul City, Afghanistan
Afghanistan is famous for its mountain ranges. In fact, its capital city,
Kabul, is divided by mountains. This city of nearly 4 million people
is divided by the TV mountain that runs through its center.