My family define my leadership
My leadership is defined by my personal experiences; joy, success, and failures. My children have created many of those moments. Let me tell you a little about them.
Tries new things. Has great courage. Keeps at it. Surprises me with creativity everyday. Never stops reading/ learning.
Patient and loving. At peace with the world. A discoverer and has a limitless imagination.
What have I learned from my children so far?
Don't ever stop listening to your kids.
Make time to play because it makes you smarter besides being fun.
Creativity and problem solving come from taking risks and overcoming fear of ______________.
Failure is required for growth to happen. Don't be afraid of it.
A staff is a team of learners.
Let's create, design, and be together!
I mean all of each other. Take time to read each other's body language and facial expressions. We all know how hard we work. Don't forget to recognize each other for that great work. Your attention to each other's generosity renews each other's spirit.
Connect and Innovate
Learn and use technology to help students succeed and facilitate their own learning. Connect with each other with these new tools. We are our own best resource. Be patient and generous with your skills and strengths; technological, relational, and pedagogical.
“The most important thing is a person. A person who incites your curiosity and feeds your curiosity; and machines cannot do that in the same way that people can.” Steve Jobs
Listen and Reach Out to our Community
We are the difference for our kids and community!! Your relationships with your students, families, and each other are the most valuable tool for success in education.
Have fun, especially at work.
Bring out the kid in yourself. The kids will notice and the parents will too.
"You can turn play into work, but you can also turn work into play." - Daniel Pink
Work toward a culture of mutual support and trust.
Welcome differences of opinion.
Be willing to be honest with each other. Add to thinking with AND rather than BUT.
Be quick to listen and slow to judge.
To innovate we must all create, together.
We (all) have a solution. We just need to use our minds together to help each student.
We must be intentional and collaborative in our solutions.
We must be intentional in how we construct each child's experience. We can't do it alone in our own classroom or home.
What is creative confidence?
What have design thinkers done to shape our world?
David Kelley of IDEO shares.
Let's experiment with David's Process
What is the design process that Kavid Kelly and IDEO use on a collaborative team?
How often are we told what we must do to teach students when deep inside we want to trust our instinct about how that child might learn?
Take care of yourself and take care of each other.
So let's try it!
Time to design something.
So that looks like......?
So how do other teachers use design thinking to increase creative confidence in the classroom?
Design Thinking - Taught by Theresa McGee
Human-centered designExperimentation and prototyping A bias towards actionShow don’t tellPower of iteration
We are off and running!
Awbrey Park Back to School 2012
A new beginning, a new year, a new level of confidence.
photo (cc) Malte Sörensen @ flickr